10g @ 60fletcher said:it can, but it'll mellow out after a few weeks (in my experiences anyway. ymmv).
edit: what were your hop additions? I love a centennial bittering personally
looks bloody great to me. 10g at 60 shouldn't make it too harsh I don't think.mosto said:10g @ 60
15g @ 10
15g @ 0
Will drop hop with 20g at day 4
20 lt batch no chill
No idea mate, first AG brew myself. Kegging it today. Is there something wrong with using Galaxy as a bittering hop?Pickaxe said:**** me, how long you gotta wait for that to be drinkable? Never used galaxy that early.
What do I wanna drink?? ALL THE BEER. I'm getting heaps of ideas here. Didn't get too far through the recipe database, because my list was getting too long! I'm looking forward to getting started!Pickaxe said:My 2c, either try an ah version of something you like and have brewed, to learn the difference ag offers, it a tried and true recipe. And smurtos golden is well tested. But, theres enough recipes, what do you want to drink?
I've found the same issue...did this as a partial about 7 weeks ago:Pickaxe said:**** me, how long you gotta wait for that to be drinkable? Never used galaxy that early.