Basic Aussie Pale Ale

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Hi all, coopers Aussie pale ale, be2, us-05 and cascade dry hopped. Be any good what do you think Cheers Chris
Hi all, coopers Aussie pale ale, be2, us-05 and cascade dry hopped. Be any good what do you think Cheers Chris

I would swap the Cascade for Nugget or Cluster for an Aussie style beer
Ok thanks it's only my second time dry hopping so still learning what hops are all about
What is pride of ring wood like. I was told it was close to coopers original ale
Hi all, coopers Aussie pale ale, be2, us-05 and cascade dry hopped. Be any good what do you think Cheers Chris

mate go ahead and do it, it will produce a good beer, just keep the fermentation temperature under control (i.e. around 17 deg)
mate go ahead and do it, it will produce a good beer, just keep the fermentation temperature under control (i.e. around 17 deg)

Yeah ok thanks I got a fridge and temp control. Haven't done many ales. Should I rack it and cold chill it for a week or something before keg it or just straight to kegs.
Pride of Ringwood (POR) is a great hop, but I prefer to keep it for bittering and flavour. I never use it for late additions.

Cascade is an awesome hop for late additions, but it is wrong for an Aussie style pale ale. (it makes great beer thou)

CPA in the All Grain version only has a 28g POR addition for bittering, it has NO late hop additions.
If you want to try and get closer to a CPA, then a huge factor is the yeast, re-culture some yeast from a CPA bottle and it will make all the difference. Have a search on here for the process on how to do it.

Using your kit + the be2 with no hop additions, but go the CPA yeast. It is worth the effort for the yeast.

Pride of Ringwood (POR) is a great hop, but I prefer to keep it for bittering and flavour. I never use it for late additions.

Cascade is an awesome hop for late additions, but it is wrong for an Aussie style pale ale. (it makes great beer thou)

CPA in the All Grain version only has a 28g POR addition for bittering, it has NO late hop additions.
If you want to try and get closer to a CPA, then a huge factor is the yeast, re-culture some yeast from a CPA bottle and it will make all the difference. Have a search on here for the process on how to do it.

Using your kit + the be2 with no hop additions, but go the CPA yeast. It is worth the effort for the yeast.


Can vouch for reusing some CPA yeast. It really adds to the beer. Plus it's not hard to do at all. :beerbang:
Pride of Ringwood (POR) is a great hop, but I prefer to keep it for bittering and flavour. I never use it for late additions.

I was going to give exactly the same advice. I used POR late in the boil once and it gave my "aussie ale" attempt a flavour that was dirty. I've posted this before, yonks ago, but a mate of mine actually asked if I used river water to brew with.
Your ingredients will make a fair American Ale. Brew at 19ish C
Well I finished the brew, chilled it down to 1-2 degrees for a couple days, filtered into my keg, gassed it for a few days. It tastes amazing. Needs more gas but even my bro reckons its the best. Just an update. I did a bit of yeast farming so got three jars of us05 to reuse. Looks good too. I think I'll try another apa with the coopers ale yeast. Give it a shot
If you havent tried the POR and Cluster flowers you have missed the true Aussie beer flavour.
Every one who uses POR flowers comments on how great they are compared to pellets. Ask jyo, he thought POR sucked till he used the flowers.
If you are interested check my site.
Cheers nev but I've only just started with hops. What when and how would I use the flowers. I only use malt tins so don't do boils and stuff. Cheers
yep flowers are better. POR gets a bad name around these parts but I cant pick whats wrong with it?? is it coz mega swill is made out of it of coz people use it wrong?? not sure never got it my beers taste fine to me using it
if you use recultured coopers yeast you will get a better beer, I like POR as a bittering never add it any later then 20 mins. With K&K I dont think I would use it but with unhopped extract then yes I would. if you do a lager I would bitter only with it if you want some more in there use saaz or a noble hop later. For a pale ale bitter with POR and maybe 1g a lt max at 20mins if you only want a POR beer but if you want some hop character then pick a hop to suit the flavour/aroma you are going for.
So does that mean boiling the sugar in what 3-4 liters of water and adding the hops and letting it boil for 20 then cooling and adding to fermenter with coopers tin
I was on your site nev how much is shipping and is that per item or for bulk buy same price
boil 100g of DME per 1lt in the pot then yes do as you say. I wouldnt bother adding POR to a kit beer but thats me.
I was on your site nev how much is shipping and is that per item or for bulk buy same price
Because its flowers it takes up a shed load of room, you may get 2 x 90gm packs in a 500gm satchel.
2kg of the stuff came in a box the size of a carton of 30 can beers + :eek:
Its crap to repackage, sticky resin everywhere. Hydraulic press would be the go ;)

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