Who gives a? Either you like the beer or you don't. It don't matter who makes it, if you don't like it, don't drink it. I don't care what they call themselves, I like the Razorback red ale and would happily drink it whether brewed at AIB, Barons new facility, at Tooheys brewery or at Matilda Bay, as long as it tastes the same. I find the Pale Ale too hoppy, but that's a matter of personal preference (I find LCPA too hoppy as well, theres no malt flavour just hops).<rant>
Sorry, but unless you've been in there day in and day out scrubbing drains, driving the forklift, hauling sacks of malt and making the beer start to finish please stop calling yourself a brewer. If you haven't done the hard yards to raise the capital, put it all together and keep all that equipment running YOU ARE NOT A BREWERY - YOU ARE A BEER DISTRIBUTOR. At least be honest with your customers and tell them who makes your beer for you instead of hiding behind a PO Box and a glossy marketing campaign.
Who gives a? Either you like the beer or you don't. It don't matter who makes it, if you don't like it, don't drink it. I don't care what they call themselves, I like the Razorback red ale and would happily drink it whether brewed at AIB, Barons new facility, at Tooheys brewery or at Matilda Bay, as long as it tastes the same. I find the Pale Ale too hoppy, but that's a matter of personal preference (I find LCPA too hoppy as well, theres no malt flavour just hops).
wish that they would be more honest about their provenance.
I love this beer! :icon_drool2:Brewdog IPA at about $55 a case. Really nice beer.
Who gives a? Either you like the beer or you don't. It don't matter who makes it, if you don't like it, don't drink it. I don't care what they call themselves, I like the Razorback red ale and would happily drink it whether brewed at AIB, Barons new facility, at Tooheys brewery or at Matilda Bay, as long as it tastes the same. I find the Pale Ale too hoppy, but that's a matter of personal preference (I find LCPA too hoppy as well, theres no malt flavour just hops).
Whoever told you is incorrect. Barons' head brewer developed the recipes and works on the Barons brew days at AIB.
OK its made under contract by AIB. We already know that, so what is the real issue here?... it had become really important to me to find out who grows my spuds, who raised the pork I ate and how it was done. And as beer is a such big part of my diet, it's important to me to at least try to find out what I can about what I drink. ...
And if they didn't tell me where it was made, I wouldn't care.
But it is the end of the world if they tell you the wrong place?
I don't understand this at all.
No, it's not the end of the world.
However, it should be illegal to make a product called "Byron Bay Lager" and not brew it there. That's Misleading, bordering on criminal.
They get around the lies by printing in VERY small print that it's brewed by AIB.
I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, trust me
If you love , you will drink it! this topic has turned into girls pulling each others hair, who cares were its made, as long as it good.........
Now u got me disapointed.........................Disapointed that tooheys white stag does'nt have a white stag in the bottle :angry: damn that false advertising,