i dont know maybe ask the local barkeeper...............or try a google search something might pop up
cheers: HBK
one of the sponsors from this site: http://www.craftbrewer.com.au/shop/default.asp?CID=72
You know I have looked & looked at these sites but do you think I could find it? Might go to OPSM
I am all stainless steel only Aluminum is the stand. Have only found one bad report. Some one used it on a sink and it didn't work to good now he gets water stains. But this looks the goods for stainless cookware.
You wont regret it, i will buy it again when i am running out.It was the only bad report I could find out of several forums I researched from. Looks like I will be sending to the states for some.
Before getting stuff shipped from the states - if it's for cleaning/passivating stainless - you could try a $1 pack of citric acid from the supermarket - I read somewhere that's what Bar Keepers Friend used to be made from before they changed to Oxalic acid (the cheapo-shop stainless cleaner I use is also made from Oxalic and citric acid and works great).
I've never needed to passivate a weld, so can't comment on that.Will that stuff (cheapo shop stainless cleaner) passivate a weld and remove slight surface rust/pitting from stainless, so as to prevent tainting in a subsequent batch of beer?