Well-Known Member
I've never needed to passivate a weld, so can't comment on that.
However, it's made from the same stuff (Oxalic acid - and some Citric Acid) as Bar Keepers Friend and picture-proof of it cleaning minor surface rust/pitting from stainless can be found on my blog here - if you really need it - I can take a picture of the same keg several brews later showing that it's still passivated. I also easily cleaned the deeper/older/more pitted years-old-rust from the exterior of the kegs (where they had been scrached, bashed and dented) with it, but did not bother taking photos.
It's the acids that perform the cleaning/passivating, not something magic in Bar Keepers Friend - which is why (commercial type breweries) rinse stainless equipment with an acid wash (5 Star make 6 acid wash/rince products) - especially after cleaning with caustic-type-products, and home brewers can use something like Saniclean (Phosphoric acid).
Thanks for your reply Wolfy.
I don't think extra photo's are necessary as I'm happy to take your word for it. I priced some pickling paste from a welding supplies place and it was $50 for a 1 kilo tub. I was hoping to get out of it a bit cheaper and it seems it might be possible.
In a past life the stainless blokes at work used to use pickling paste on welds that I think was a mix of oxalic and hydroflouric acid. They could scrub it with a scouring pad (I think) and wash off in about 10 minutes, so hopefully if I'm patient I can get away with the bar keepers friend or similar.