Bar Swap: '1st Time For Everything'

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Still have the same intentions I always had to attend - last one was a pakkalarfce with a pakkacunce.

Just not committed to the swap thing. May not do Vic Xmas in July either but I will still definitely attend that. If I can get a mild on in time, I will but brewing plans for the next few weeks are very specific.

On another note - this is me* next weekend (brewing the day after)


*Simulation only, actually not me, actually not the people with whom I will be attending and actually not the foliage in front of which I may be, weather dependent.

I look more like this:


I'll be doing something similar in May. I will be wearing either cowboy boots or johnny rebs underneath though...just to be comfortable haha...

I'm looking forward to another Melb swap as I am now more comfy as an AG brewer etc so the feedback this time can hopefully be less diplomatic and generally positive because the beer is ok hahahaha
1 Wakkatoo Probably something Belgian
2 Kleiny Maentime IPA inspired english IPA
3 Lecterfan - a medium dark ale that snubs its nose at styles and categories but that aims to taste nice and provide a smooth alcoholic kick.
4 Herbo - Dunkelweizen
5 Mesa99 - Erm.. Let me think about that one.
8 Iamozziyob: DSGA?
9 Beastie ?????
10 Vic45 Cascadian Dark Ale
11 pommie_granite - 'tis the Saison
12 Muscovy: American Honey Wheat Ale (travelling nicely in the fermenter)
13 bullsneck - Bohemian Dunkel
14 mmmyummybeer - Raspberry Redundancy, and or DCM Choc Orange Porter
15 Vic13

Have removed myself from the swap as I just dont think I have the time to get one conditioned in time... the DSGA I was going to brew somehow turned into a 1061 AIPA :blink:

For some inexplicable reason almost every 'recipe' I try ends up with a severe pimping..

Still attending fo shiz

I'm boiling the guts out of mine right now. Already reduced 3L down to 200mls of goodness in a separate pot.

I've dubbed this a "winter ale" as it doesn't meet any categories (heaven forbid Lecterfan should brew a normal beer!)...a few of you tried my last Old Ale and thought it was ok...this one is similar but less adjunct (although what there is of adjunct is a touch more extreme/focussed/purposive this time around)...I know it's poor form to swap beer that probably isn't ready to drink. Mine will probably be drinkable on April 28th, but I've designed it so that the rest of the batch can be knocked over around the Winter solstice (although if I can tuck one away for 12 months or so I'll do that also...). I will bring plenty of ready-to-drink beer to the shindig.

OG 1.061, %67 efficiency, 27L batch (23ish into fermenter - for some reason I can't get beersmith to do a pretty cut and paste format like others do):

%80 golden promise
%6 Victory
%2.3 simps dark crystal
%1.5 simps light crsytal
%1.1 simps choc
%1.8 Black
%3.8 treacle (only CSR, but the last one I used this in was nice)
%4.5 dark brown sugar

wy1084, some Cal Chloride and Cal Sulphate for strike water (mash maintained ph of just over 5 for the entire process with my weird non sparge mash out final volume ******** that I do).

50 IBUS Northdown FWH, Brown Hill Goldings at flameout (about 20 gms dried).

wy1084...heaps of it, a slight over pitch as it will be fermented cool for the first 24 hours and I love wy1084.
Must be the day for it, I just started chilling my swap.
Howd ya pull up after the beards on Friday night YOB?
Must be the day for it, I just started chilling my swap.

Any details you'd care to share or are we to be kept in suspense? Did you blacken with a carafa type or a roast/black type? Yeast?
5.3kg Trad Ale
350g Carafa 2
350g wheat
300g pale choc
300g crystal 120

1064 og 73 ibu

Horizon bittering
Nelson sauvin and Pacific jade at 20, 10, 5, flame out.
Dry hop Nelson sauvin.
Cal chloride and cal sulphate into very soft tank water.
Wow! I'm looking forward to trying that - a big whack of choc and crystal!
Bit nervous fellas.
After crash chilling the Honey Wheat Ale a couple of days ago i set up to bottle tonight.
On tasting a sample it is displaying some traits i'm not so sure about...
I think the Honey has turned it back into a kit and kilo beer!
Had a great decoct stepped mash and a perfect ferment (at 18 degrees) over 2 weeks. left it on the yeast for an extra week to clean up before crash chill.

I will let it condition and jeep an eye on it, but at this stage I'm reluctant to use this as a swap beer..even if it is my first wheat beer.
And i was so excited!
Will keep you posted
Age can do wonders to the beer you nervously taste from the hydro sample!
Age can do wonders to the beer you nervously taste from the hydro sample!

Hope so,
I normally have a pretty god idea of where my beers are going to finish based on the hydro sample.

But i have never done a wheat beer, so am hoping it is just somehthing im not used too.

My first impression is that it has been fermented too high, but i have checked it daily and my stc-1000 has kept it at 18 no sweat.

Has anyone else had anthing similar using honey at this temp? I am wondering if honey should be fermented as low temp as possible??

4 weeks to condition. will keep an eye on things.
Okay, It's been about 2 weeks so its fair to say 12 is our number. I've updated it so that we are all numbered 1-12 which will help when swapping (make sure you include your swap number.

So: label your beer however you like, but you MUST put a sticker on the cap with your swap number. Bring at least 12 bottles of it to the swap (you will take one of yours home).

1 Wakkatoo: English something or another. Might play around with some dry hopping.
2 Kleiny Maentime IPA inspired english IPA
3 Lecterfan - a medium dark ale that snubs its nose at styles and categories but that aims to taste nice and provide a smooth alcoholic kick.
4 Herbo - Dunkelweizen
5 Mesa99 - Erm.. Let me think about that one.
6 Beastie ?????
7 Vic45 Cascadian Dark Ale
8 pommie_granite - 'tis the Saison
9 Muscovy: American Honey Wheat Ale (travelling nicely in the fermenter)
10 bullsneck - Bohemian Dunkel
11 mmmyummybeer - Raspberry Redundancy, and or DCM Choc Orange Porter
12 Vic13
I have most likely mist it BUT

when is the swap and where (post it loud and proud)

cant be f'd looking for the details

Saturday April 28 from 5pm onwards
Venue: Vic45's (garibaldi)
I have most likely mist it BUT

when is the swap and where (post it loud and proud)

cant be f'd looking for the details


Its at my place at Garibaldi (20 mins your side of Ballarat) on 28th April at 5pm onwards.

Anyone who wants/needs to is welcome to arrive earlier than five and witness my prowess :lol: on the bbq etc.

Beaten by wakka, went for a refill during post.
So: label your beer however you like, but you MUST put a sticker on the cap with your swap number. Bring at least 12 bottles of it to the swap (you will take one of yours home).

3 Lecterfan - a medium dark ale that snubs its nose at styles and categories but that aims to taste nice and provide a smooth alcoholic kick.

NO! I won't put a sticker on, I'll just write the number on the cap :p

...oh and "a medium dark ale" turned into a %7.2 winter ale. It'll be nice winter 2012, unfortunately probably much nicer winter 2013 haha....

Anyone who wants/needs to is welcome to arrive earlier than five and witness my prowess :lol: on the bbq etc.

I might turn up a bit earlier depending on a number of things, but it won't be too drastic...
How you getting there Ricardo? Need/want me to swing past and pick you up on the way? I'd think we would be getting there mid arvo (1 - 2) or something?

(times and numbers from Melbourne still TBC)

assume that there will be space in the car..

Anybody else from Melbourne want/need to pool?

How you getting there Ricardo? Need/want me to swing past and pick you up on the way? I'd think we would be getting there mid arvo (1 - 2) or something?

(times and numbers from Melbourne still TBC)

assume that there will be space in the car..

Anybody else from Melbourne want/need to pool?


Nah mate I'll work out my own way, that's going to be a busy weekend for me - without sounding presumptive, I would suggest you talk to Vic45 if you intend getting there that early as he has kids, business etc etc to take care of before we all descend on him!