Balls Ups

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All Grain Gremlin
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Just finnished making a Dark Ale @ 1:17am :D
put her to sleep on a nice warm shelf with a light underneith (will post pics tomorrow)

Anyway I had filled up the fermenter and was going through my tribal rolling ritual. AKA. rolling the fermenter on the ground to air-rate the wort, and im thinking. "Gee it feels like ive forgoten something, some moments later I looked up and saw my yeast hydrating on the shelf. WOOPS, pitched it in, Crisis over!

I was think though how funny it would be if i forgot to pitch the yeast or do something stupid like that. Anyone have any crackers?

P.S: On this same brew I went to tip the fermenter on the side to roll it around and forgot to cover the airlock hole, nice big spurt of brown ale everywhere. Only lost 200ml aprox though
I really haven't had any huge disasters, a few 'near misses' like yours... a few batches that have been shite because of some stupid, stupid ingredients (like that 1kg of raw sugar I put into that belgian... tasted like acid) and probably one infection.
Last brew I bulk primed with 130gms of sugar....but I cant for the life of me remember if I zeroed my scales to allow for the bowl that sits on top which weighs I couldve only primed with 38gms! Bugger - will just have to wait and see.
I did a kit once and forgot to mix it after adding the watersurprisingly it turned out fine B)

My main problem is forgetting to add the flocculent near the end of the boil.... seems to happen to me quite often.... I guess it forces me to lager better though ;)

Asher for now
My last brew, I'd bottled 8 tallies by the time I realised I had forgotten to add the priming sugar to the fermenter. Out with the bottle opener...
After buying a new set of scales measuring my grain on the pound scale instead of the kg... was a very weak beer that one....
After buying a new set of scales measuring my grain on the pound scale instead of the kg... was a very weak beer that one....
:blink: Would not the level in the bucket and the time spent cracking the grain give you a hint it was 'light-on'?
I have put too much in and when re weighed it was half a Kg over, never under :D .
Hi Brewers,

Not a brewing mistake but still....

A couple of weeks ago, I Walk out to the brewery to bottle. Put my pint down in front of the brewery door and then immediately opened the door flinging the pint onto the concrete floor. :angry: :(

Hi Brewers,

Not a brewing mistake but still....

A couple of weeks ago, I Walk out to the brewery to bottle. Put my pint down in front of the brewery door and then immediately opened the door flinging the pint onto the concrete floor. :angry: :(


Same sort of thing after a couple - filling twp glasses up, put the first full one on top of fridge door, got 1/2 way through the second then thought I'd check the keg - so opened the fridge door....

Caught it, but threw beer EVERYWHERE!
My little disaster happened when I just got my kegging system; filled the kegs, gassed no worries, connected the beer outlet ball lock to the keg, where's the other end of the tub? In my hand not connected to the tap, yep first beer shower! Lost a couple of litres before realising I had to disconnect to stop the flow. Errrm stupid yes!

Took about 2 weeks to clean under the eves, windows, floor, bar; it went every where.
Last bottling session on Mon night... Worst ever.... :angry: Stupid &##$ Foamy Ginger Beer, took forever to fill my stubbies which were pre primed with white sugar, last couple of odd size bottles I went to drop sugar after filling FOAM everywhere ! OK, last stubby, drop sugar, race into capper with cap PSSST !! Spray Ginger beer everywhere including through my my big box of new clean crown seals.... Soaked them overnight... Rusty in morning... :angry:
Note to self: Keep some carb drops handy for such moments...

Oh and disconnecting hose from HERMS system with pump still running spewing beautiful hot Porter all over my Arm :lol:
Twice now i have done this...

Been making kits - poured kit into fermenter, boiled the kettle and mixed in 4 litres of boiling water along with malt or dex...

Stirring it all round nice and happy...

Then look on the kitchen floor and wonder why im standing in a puddle of wort...I've forgotten to put the BLOODY tap on the fermenter...

Damn that shit is sticky as all hell too. Was mopping for days.
I've done that with leaving the tap open, but I've never left the tap off before! Amusing, though
What Style would you define the Morgans Ironbark Dark Ale as?

English Brown Ale?
I wonder if the mods might find their way to "award" someone with the best balls up for the year. Perhaps a trophy with a suitable inscription. How about it Hoops, Doc, Johnno and Dane ? I'm happy to chip in for the trophy. :D

I was making a dunkelweizen last night - i was up til fairly late, I had everything finished up at about 11:30 - it was a long brew for, anyways, I go to add my yeast and wow, its really vigorous - so I bleed some of the c02 off it, it froths up a fair bit, almost to the neck and ...

Well, im not really SURE what i was thinking - i usually shake my starters up a few minutes before pitching, but id forgotten to do so, so i gave it a good shake, put ti down, poured the water intot he fermenter ...picking up the starter, all 2 liters of nice, dark dark wort , opened up the lid on one go ...


Bloody yeast and wort literally went everywhere - over me, over the ktichen, over the ceiling ..sat there dumbstruck for a secondf, looked down and saw yeast shrapnel all over and int he fermenter and went "ah bugger" and emptied what little there was left into the fermenter, then popped the lid on.

I dont have high hopes that some kind of contamination went in, but shes bubbling away steadily today - guess we'll see, but i'll be laying down another beer this weekend jsut in case.

I have learnt the value of using an airlock on starters.
Having read that last post how about a mounted pair of Safety glasses as a trophy!
Capping a stubbie I'm drinking while bottling and drinking a stubbie that I haven't capped, never drink much though............................
After buying a new set of scales measuring my grain on the pound scale instead of the kg... was a very weak beer that one....
:blink: Would not the level in the bucket and the time spent cracking the grain give you a hint it was 'light-on'?
I have put too much in and when re weighed it was half a Kg over, never under :D .

It was my second AG....

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