Bairds Malt And Golden Promise

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I just bought a bag of GP from MHB and am looking forward to trying this malt. I had a look on the bairds and TF site and neither of them list it.

am i missing something.

Also....... maltcraft only import bairds malt from england now right? Bairds dont list brown malt or pale chocolate as one of their products but TF do.

are we boing sold stuff under different names?

interesting i thought. Not a problem....... but interesting.

Perhaps the retailers can elaborate.

95% GP
5% crystal
Mash @67c

A combo of your Fave pommy hops( the usual culprits)

Wyeast 1968 @ 18 c.

All adds up to a Top pommy Bitter, IMHO.
iMO boring as ****. save the $$ and buy 1.5 bags of cryer pale malt
otherwise spend an extra $5-10 and lash out on bairds maris otter and add a short protein rest. savour the flavour :)
I have read its a lighter ale malt. I was kind of after that for some nice clean summer ales. I have some MO here and have used many bags of it. MHB said today aboyt chill haze with it and proteit rests but i was just single infusion mashing it as 100% grist and i got clear beer.

Ahhh you have to try these things,

Is it lighter in colour that MO?

95% GP
5% crystal
Mash @67c

A combo of your Fave pommy hops( the usual culprits)

Wyeast 1968 @ 18 c.

All adds up to a Top pommy Bitter, IMHO.
aaaaaaaah, Mr Bond...Some of us started brewing Pommie lagers ales (edit: Thanks Mr Bond) with the W1028 yeast. Hard to go back to the 1968 once you have learned to luv the 1028.

MO and 1028 in my next pale/bitter, with all EKG (pellets to bitter and two plugs for dry hop).

To style or sacrilege? Who cares? I'm making it anyway. It'll be the first time I brew this as all-grain , and I expect to be well happy with it.

As for GP; I have heard that it's over-rated ( I assume, by the people who want to make money from it), and is a bit thin. I read the feedback elsewhere on this site about 12 months ago, and I decided not to waste my time on it. Then again, it might be like Target and Challenger hops - get 'em fresh and it's a personal taste issue...if not fresh - how would you know if they're any good?

It might just work for you. I suppose that I'll have to wait for a Summer HAG BBQ and pool day at your place to taste and evaluate

Seth :p
It might just work for you. I suppose that I'll have to wait for a Summer HAG BBQ and pool day at your place to taste and evaluate

Seth :p

I will have to try and organise something mate. There just arnt enough days in the year for everything ;)

this is what i have planned for the golden promise.

A lightish spring bitter to bring in summer


First gold Bitter

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 55.00 Wort Size (L): 55.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.00
Anticipated OG: 1.046 Plato: 11.43
Anticipated EBC: 16.5
Anticipated IBU: 38.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
90.9 10.00 kg. TF Golden Promise Pale Ale Ma UK 1.037 6
9.1 1.00 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 100

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
50.00 g. Wye Target Pellet 11.00 26.6 45 min.
30.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 3.9 15 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 6.0 15 min.
30.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 0.7 2 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 1.0 2 min.


WLP005 or S-04
I think that will be an excellent use of the golden promise. I know many people have been disappointed with this malt but I think that's a little unfair. Maris Otter is a great malt, and I've been enjoying my bag of Perle/Pearl but I would use this malt for sure.

Some find it a little sweeter than MO, but for your spring bitter type ale there that would work quite well I think. Then there's all the scottish ales that it is widely used in.

Would be an excellent malt for summer/golden ales too I think.

I like that hop combo too. First Gold goes with everything!!!!!
I think that will be an excellent use of the golden promise. I know many people have been disappointed with this malt but I think that's a little unfair. Maris Otter is a great malt, and I've been enjoying my bag of Perle/Pearl but I would use this malt for sure.

Some find it a little sweeter than MO, but for your spring bitter type ale there that would work quite well I think. Then there's all the scottish ales that it is widely used in.

Would be an excellent malt for summer/golden ales too I think.

I like that hop combo too. First Gold goes with everything!!!!!

I agree Ben & nothing to do with selling the product...If no wants it, we simply stock what people do want :) .
I believe a lot of the disappointment in GP is from people trying to clone TTL, which is undoubtedly one of the best English bitters there is (If you visit pommie land, seek it on draught - it's exceptional :chug: ).
Making a low alcohol bitter with 100% GP is going to taste light & there's no doubt there is more to this recipe than the current info we have - But used in the right recipe it's a great malt, as TTL proves :)

Cheers Ross
look up Wes Smith's response under my name in another thread about GP or TTLL.

Basically there are GP malts and then there are GP malts.

It also looks like as a variety of barley GP may respond really well to floor maltings, like TF does.

I think a real test would be to get hold of some TF and compare it with Baird's and then make a conclusion on the variety. I could guess at the result.

I believe TTLL uses TF floor malted and apparently it is like chalk and cheese when compared with the Baird's stuff.

I use the remainder of my Baird's GP with melanoidin for a Pale Ale and I also use it with peated distillers malt for you know what. I won't purchase the stuff again.
Basically there are GP malts and then there are GP malts.

Give the man a coconut, we have a winner!

I personaly don't understand the idea of buying a malt based on it's variety. For me the first thing I look at is the maltster. If the maltster is crap it doesn't matter if they are using a top quality barley like MO, the resulting malt will be crap. The reverse is also true, you can't turn crap barley into top quality malt.

Of the ale malts that I have used, for my taste, Thomas Fawcett produce the best and I would happily pay a premium to be able to get their malts again.

Don't get me wrong, I think barley variety plays a part, but not as much as the maltster.

We don't have the same debate over pilsner malt barley varieties. Most of us wouldn't be able to say what variety of barley is used in our favourite pils malt. We simply have a favourite brand (mine is Weyermann) yet for some reason we bang on about GP or MO barley for ales.

Sell me TF and Weyermann malts and I'd be a very happy HBer.

Of the ale malts that I have used, for my taste, Thomas Fawcett produce the best and I would happily pay a premium to be able to get their malts again.

Ditto!! Bring 'em back. :(

Warren -
Fair comments...... why cant maltcraft import TF malts into australia?

as i said in my first post......... are some of these "bairds" brand malts actually TF? Bairds dont list them as products they make on their website.

maybe the ratailers on here need to push for better products to be made available in OZ.

As Ross said..... no point stocking it if it aint going to sell !!!

I do recal a while back when all the malt was Hoepfner and TF and they were great malts.

I got 1 bag of the TF MO before it all became bairds. I remember noticing the change in flavour and the haze that came with the bairds product. the TF malt had a depth that is midding from the Bairds product

Weyermann is great but i do miss the Hoepfner Rauchmalz....... the Weyermann is not a scrap on it for flavour.

Unfortunately TF was just being phased out as I started AG, so i can't give a personal appraisal of the difference between the 2 malsters products. I'm certainly very happy with the Bairds malts & some of them are fantastic - pale choc for one.
That said, myself & I know of others, who are working on increasing the range of malts here, but it's a slow process...

cheers Ross
re my comments above: I didn't mean to imply that any retailers have misrepresented GP malt in order to move "product".

In line with the comment that
there are GP malts and then there are GP malts
I was remarking that some consumers (and maybe some retailers?) lack the wherewithall to know the difference between GP from various maltsters. I wouldn't have thought to question it myself until this thread, actually.
Am I digging the hole deeper?

Can anyone advise of a commercial beer made with Baird's GP malt? That would provide concrete info on how good the malt can be.

Seth :p
Hey ross..... how come bairds dont list pale choc as one of their products on their web site?

Im not worried about it... just curious.

where is the pale choc?

where is the brown malt?

thats what im asking more that the quality of GP........ i dont really care what its like...... i bought it to try it. I like to try things for myself and draw my own conclusions.

Im unsure of where all these malts that are listed as bairds malts are comming from if bairds dont list them as their products

Can anyone advise of a commercial beer made with Baird's GP malt? That would provide concrete info on how good the malt can be.

Seth :p

FWIW we have used Bairds GP malt in our (Murray's) Nirvana Pale Ale and a couple of other beers in the past (6 months or so back...). It worked well and is an excellent malt. That said, we now use either Baird's Perle or Baird's Maris Otter or a blend of both depending on the beer across most of our range of 7 beers and are very happy with these as base malts. In my experience, these British malts can respond well to warmer mash temps as well, but each to their own :)

bairds perle........

I havnt even heard of that one

seems they list nothing on their site with no specs.

whats the world comming to?
