Bairds Malt And Golden Promise

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bairds perle........

I havnt even heard of that one

seems they list nothing on their site with no specs.

whats the world comming to?


G'day Tony,

The 'Perle' is their standard Baird's Pale Ale malt and is a very good malt in my experience. We have heard it can vary substantially depending on the batch/season but have had two separate batches/seasons worth so far with good consistency and (as far as we are concerned at least) excellent results. As I said we use either the Perle or the Maris Otter or a blend of the two in 6 of our 7 beers (the 7th uses Weyermann Pilsner) and are very happy with them.

Hey ross..... how come bairds dont list pale choc as one of their products on their web site?

Im not worried about it... just curious.

where is the pale choc?

where is the brown malt?

thats what im asking more that the quality of GP........ i dont really care what its like...... i bought it to try it. I like to try things for myself and draw my own conclusions.

Im unsure of where all these malts that are listed as bairds malts are comming from if bairds dont list them as their products


Tony , I may be wrong here but I think Bairds Choc malt is 600 EBC and the JWM is 800 EBC

Pumpy :)
Tony , I may be wrong here but I think Bairds Choc malt is 600 EBC and the JWM is 800 EBC

Pumpy :)
Choc malt specs:
Bairds pale choc 500 EBC
Bairds choc 900 EBC
JW choc 800 EBC
TF choc 900-1100 EBC
I think the problem with some web page Specs is the managment and updating. The big buyers would have the spec sent with there orders automatically.If you cant find them on the site ask your supplier for a copy.Muntons are in the top 5 maltsters in Britian and I cant find one malt spec on the whole site.Or if they are there they are very well hidden.I use Bairds GP alot and prefer it to MO mind you I would use either happly.It is really suited to Scottish Ales.As Tony said you need to try for it your self and make a judgment. Cheers
yeah i guess they dont list them all.

JW have never listed their vienna malt on their page

I will report back on the GP


Just a couple of points
I recommended the GP because it isnt as prone to some of the haze problems people have experienced with MO; it's more suited to the single infusion method you prefer. GP is also usually a little paler than the MO.

The colour specifications for all the grain I stock are in the AG download in my signature, if ever you have any questions about the colour or origan of anything I sell, please contact me.
I am sure you dont think I was re-filling old Baird's bags with some other product; I wouldn't like to see inadequacies in the manufactures information used to question the propriety of any retailer - we can only supply what our wholesalers import, and pass on the information supplied with the product.

I have to update the hop alpha info for some of the hops in the download however:-
The German malts are Weyermann
The UK malts are Bairds
Colour ranges are from the supplier - note - that they are ranges not specific values in most cases.

No.......... no no no no that wasnt my question at all Mark. Your service and products have always been top notch and if i do have a problem which i dont :) I will face you about it. Look out im a scary fella hehe :)

I am kind of feeling this post has gone off track......... My origional question was about bairds web site not listing some of the products selling here under their name. I guess i was curious about weather they were actually TF products re labeled but as pointed out earlier....... they dont always list everything for the small time home brewer to read up on.

here is my origional post again:

I just bought a bag of GP from MHB and am looking forward to trying this malt. I had a look on the bairds and TF site and neither of them list it.

am i missing something.

Also....... maltcraft only import bairds malt from england now right? Bairds dont list brown malt or pale chocolate as one of their products but TF do.

are we boing sold stuff under different names?

interesting i thought. Not a problem....... but interesting.

Perhaps the retailers can elaborate.


That was all....... just went surfing for info..... as i do..... and the numbers didnt add up.... thought id ask.

As for the GP Im looking forward to try it. I used up a 50KG bag of IMC ale and didnt mind it but wasnt too fussed on it. On the other hand the IMC pilsner malt is **** hot.... i love it. I wont bother buying german pils again with this product available at its price. Some may hate it, thats how life is but i love it.

Thats why i bought a bag of GP over a bag of MO. I have used about 3 bags of MO in the last year or so and have loved them. I made a fantastic pale ale (its in the recipe section) with 100% MO and it was clear, clean and crisp with a great maltyness. Comming into summer i was after something with a bit more kepow than pils malt for summer bitters.

Im interested in weather GP can fill the slot. I had problems with haze with the IMC ale malt ( it may have been me) but if the malt doesnt suit me and my brewing process...... i will look for something else.

I am not in any way put off by people bagging it out...... ask for opinions and you get them, but trying it for youself is the test.

Im going to brew my spring bitter tomorrow with lots of EKG and some First gold.

I am onto my second bag of GP in the last few months. No issues with it here. For me it's not a MO or GP thing, I think it's horses for courses.
here is whats planned for tomorrow morning.


First gold Bitter

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 55.00 Wort Size (L): 55.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.70
Anticipated OG: 1.049 Plato: 12.19
Anticipated EBC: 16.6
Anticipated IBU: 38.8
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
85.5 10.00 kg. TF Golden Promise Pale Ale Ma UK 1.037 6
8.5 1.00 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 100
6.0 0.70 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
70.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 16.5 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 10.9 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 5.9 15 min.
30.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 3.8 15 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 1.0 2 min.
30.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 0.7 2 min.


DCL Yeast S-04 SafAle English Ale

its cracked and in the mash tun

HLT is full (13.4 deg tap temp) waiting to hook in in the morning

i was aiming for a special bitter but ended up with higher than expected efficiency....... so a 1.058 wort wont cut it as a special bitter........ but it will make a nice IPA :)

So i recalculated the hops for more bitterness and a bit more flavour and aroma.

Smells great going into the firmenter........ the break is SLOWLY filtering out of the fine sock as an experiment to remove all break with zero wort loss.

I will post pics later tonight when the kids go to bed and i download them from the camera.

here is what i ended up with.

First gold Bitter

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 50.00 Wort Size (L): 50.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.70
Anticipated OG: 1.058 Plato: 14.20
Anticipated EBC: 17.8
Anticipated IBU: 49.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
85.5 10.00 kg. TF Golden Promise Pale Ale Ma UK 1.037 6
8.5 1.00 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 100
6.0 0.70 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
100.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 24.5 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 11.3 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 6.1 15 min.
40.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 5.3 15 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 1.0 2 min.
40.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 0.9 2 min.


DCL Yeast S-04 SafAle English Ale


Smells great going into the firmenter........ the break is SLOWLY filtering out of the fine sock as an experiment to remove all break with zero wort loss.


Beer sounds great Tony. Keep us posted on how this goes. I'm curious to see how the break/haze relationship is when you do this. I'd be even more curious if you used Baird's MO.
i was aiming for a special bitter but ended up with higher than expected efficiency....... so a 1.058 wort wont cut it as a special bitter........ but it will make a nice IPA :)

So i recalculated the hops for more bitterness and a bit more flavour and aroma.

Smells great going into the firmenter........ the break is SLOWLY filtering out of the fine sock as an experiment to remove all break with zero wort loss.

I will post pics later tonight when the kids go to bed and i download them from the camera.

here is what i ended up with.

First gold Bitter

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 50.00 Wort Size (L): 50.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.70
Anticipated OG: 1.058 Plato: 14.20
Anticipated EBC: 17.8
Anticipated IBU: 49.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
85.5 10.00 kg. TF Golden Promise Pale Ale Ma UK 1.037 6
8.5 1.00 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 100
6.0 0.70 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
100.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 24.5 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 11.3 45 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 6.1 15 min.
40.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 5.3 15 min.
30.00 g. First Gold Pellet 7.70 1.0 2 min.
40.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 0.9 2 min.

DCL Yeast S-04 SafAle English Ale


I just wash my hands & then sanitise them with phos before touching my hopsock after the boil. A little tipping & rotating of the hopsock (With sanitised hands) seems to get the wort out faster. If the hopsock clogs up towards the end of the drain I let what's left in the hopsock drain into the fermenter, take out hopsock, hose it out & re-sanitise it with Phos, then complete the (kettle) drain.


Per the hopsock ---- No affiliation, etc, etc :lol:
the hopsock in question is a very fine one...... a lot finer that ross sells.

ITs taken about 2 hrs for the wort to drain out through the break into the firmenter.

will talk later when not chasing kids. the wife just did her knee in so im busy :)


here are some pics of what i did today. It will be clearer with pics than if i try to explain.

mashed it at 66 deg, all went well, this is the wort on its way to the kettle...... clear as and pH was perfect @ 5.4



batch sparged, recirculated till clear.... all went well again. sparged perfectly, didnt compact, flowers well but cleared quick. Very impressed.
Chilled it for a couple of hours (set the pool chiller to work and we took the kids out for lunch)
got home and started running it to the firmenter.
I lifted the hopsock and hung it to drain into the kettle and ran the wort and break into the firmenter through the fine filter bag.


most would stop draining at this point right....... not me :)


here is the kettle and firmenter set up while draining


and this is all i left in the kettle

then i rigged up a rope to hang the filter bag over the firmenter to get the wort to run out gently and leave the break behind.

It worked a treat. when i lifted the filter bag out, i got 5 liters volume drop in the firmenter. it took a few hours to trickle out but that was fine. I just closed up the garage and left it to drip and dribble.

ended up with mud in the bad and fairly clear wort in the firmenter.

It didnt clear up after the cold break as well as some malts but i have had mirkier beer into the firmenter and got it clear.

smells and tastes fantastic.

here is the filter bag suspended over the firmenter


and the rope hoilding it :lol:


this is the filter bag after it was all drained out.
I measured about 600g of break material.




pitched S-04 at 13.6 deg :eek:..... the pool chiller did well...... and stuck a lecky blanky around it to warm it up.

will keep you all posted.

all in all..... a great brew day and the GP performed fantastic. I usually get 75% efficiency, i got 83% today.

Super pick and I am green of jelousy.
as long as the brew doesnt go green too :)

kegged it last night.

I cleaned out the filter and got it all ready and then remembered this experiment and decided to just run it in from secondary and see how it goes.

It was clear from the firmenter so i guess we will see in a few weeks when it goes on tap.

will keep you posted.

I bought a bag of Bairds MO a few months back. I have been struck by how different it seems from previous bags I've bought -- same brand, same variety, very different result. The bitters brewed with this latest bag are decidedly paler than before, almost like a lager. And there's not much of the signature, biscuity MO flavour that I love. Still OK, but really a bit disappointing, considering the premium you pay for the stuff.

Next batch I brew will be getting a boost with Munich and melanoidin, plus some roasted for colour.
i remember years back brewing with JW ale malt.... i found it rich and malty, but that turned as you said to almost match the pils malt.

something is going on.... possibly the drought..... or maltster budget cuts. you cant tell me the big breweries dont get the good stuff. wouldnt suprise me if its the reject batches that go to home brew land.

yet we make better beer with it! imagine a megaswill with second grade malt :)