Hey guys,
what was the Mash Paddle style announced?
- Snow.
Pumpkin Beer......
Any beer style, Any ABV%, Any brewing technique and addition of pumpkin at any stage from the beginning of your brew day until the beer is packaged.
The only thing we ask you not to do is put loose pumpkin pulp in the kettle. You can still do kettle additions, just not loose.
The beer will be brewed commercially and we don't want to block up their pipes etc....
Oh yeah. and the beer must include some pumpkin (raw, cooked, canned, extract, essence, seeds or all of these).
You can go for the traditional American holiday beer (Spiced like a Pumpkin Pie) or invent something new.
Like an Imperial triple raspberry chocolate pumpkin sherbet lime latte.
I wonder if the winner ferments in a pumpkin how the commercial brewery will cope???

That's a big pumpkin.
Good luck everyone and enjoy.
The entries for the Mash Paddle (2 per entrant max) need to be brought along to the April Meeting to be sent outside the club for Judging.
The results will be announced at our May meeting after we do the Pumpkin Beer mini-comp.
I was going to add links to all these pumpkin recipes and videos but there is no need....Just Google Pumpkin beer and you'll get the idea.
I've been wanting to brew one of these since returning from the states and never got around to it.
PB :beerbang: