Getting seriously bloody pissed here.... & another 4 hours to go :icon_drool2:
Cheers Ross & Dave & Zizzle (side show Bob)
Edit: spelling & Zizzle
I was thinking more that you had been downgraded from your winning position, according to the article...
It's all good publicity for BABBs and Aussie home brew in general, if they had had to report the intricacies of the situation it would have spoiled the flow of the story, no hard feelings. Just to amplify for those not in the club and don't know the background, I hadn't really considered myself in with a chance in the comp (hoped I might pick up novice brewer or something) and had some vague idea that the trip was next March or April, in the meantime I had used up all my annual leave yada yada yada and I'm also a carer and could have made arrangements for my caree's sister to step into the gap for a couple of weeks but she would also need a fair amount of notice (Sydney) so my bad for not keeping on the ball But as I said, next year is another year. :lol: And the new kegerator more than compensates![]()
Also I understand that if next years prize is a trip to the USA west coast for the beer festival then a few members can go because if we get a group going then the cost reduces to a very affordable and attractive $$$$ indeed, and the winner just gets his or her trip free. Now that will be a pissup to totally dwarf Rosscoe and Dave's current drinking efforts. :beer:
It's all good publicity for BABBs and Aussie home brew in general, if they had had to report the intricacies of the situation it would have spoiled the flow of the story, no hard feelings. Just to amplify for those not in the club and don't know the background, I hadn't really considered myself in with a chance in the comp (hoped I might pick up novice brewer or something) and had some vague idea that the trip was next March or April, in the meantime I had used up all my annual leave yada yada yada and I'm also a carer and could have made arrangements for my caree's sister to step into the gap for a couple of weeks but she would also need a fair amount of notice (Sydney) so my bad for not keeping on the ball But as I said, next year is another year. :lol: And the new kegerator more than compensates![]()
Well given they had 247 entries last year hopefully not too many more for the sake of the judgesBribie's passion for brewing has totally inspired me into brewing to guidlines and entering beers into competition. BABBS has also supported QLD brewers into doing this. It will be inyersting to see how many new brewers are entering into the QABC this year. Cant wait..
Getting seriously bloody pissed here.... & another 4 hours to go :icon_drool2:
Cheers Ross & Dave & Zizzle (side show Bob)
Edit: spelling & Zizzle
...they had 247 entries last year...
I'm putting in 57 entries personally
Could be a problem Bribie :huh:
1.Each entrant is restricted to two (2) entries per Category. Within this rule, no more than one (1) entry is allowed in any one Style. Category and Style guidelines can be found on the AABC website.
Stuff that bag of yours full of beer then Devo, do you really need all those clothes in there?...eitherway I'm gonna miss the luxury of beer choice on offer here when I get back home.