Auto Syphon - The New Ones Don't Work

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Howdy guys, PistolPatch here borrowing Harry's computer...

The new auto-syphon's don't work for some reason. The old ones (10mm inside diameter tube) work beautifully but I've had tremendous trouble with the new 13mm ones.

I've tried two of these new ones and both don't work (even when sober ;)), so if you buy one, make sure it's the narrower diameter.

Is East Fremantle becoming the new hombrewers promised land?
Oh yeah!
It's all happening in East freo now! Except for the new Auto Syphon - That is very NOT happening

Well, there certainly has been a spike in demand for net curtain material sewn into sleeping bag shapes in that part of Perth, apparently you cant get it anywhere.
What worries me GL is that you were looking ? <_<

Edit: Wondered why PP was so quite lately, did someone finally follow up on the threat and g-test his computer ? :unsure:
Not the next full moon Screwtop - next March - you know my posts always go haywire around then ;)

Been a little busy lately dealing with lousy auto-syphons, throwing Harry into the deep end of brewing, a new computer, working on ways to finance my brewing and (to a far lesser degree) my other expenses in Perth.

Sinkas we need your crusher soon. GL, go to Spotlight and bring the material around here. We can have a few beers and then maybe see if the two girls upstairs have a sewing machine ;)

Do you want a long story of what not to do in brewing? Another one?

Here's how long it took me to work out these auto-syphons were dodgy. I should have worked this out much quicker but....

The cane part of my faithful old auto-syphon snapped so bought a new one and saw Roy at TWOC had the opposite broken half of what I had so bought that too at a huge discount.

First Brew: Dodgy. Sucking air heaps.

Second Brew: Dodgy. Sucking air heaps. This was a little while after the first brew so my mind had successfully erased all prior syphoning nightmares. Start to look for a reason. Probably need to force the hose over the cane more. Made a mental note to fix that before the next brew.

Third Brew: What you have to realise here is that the new syphons suck air in slowly and they suck it from the syphon tube not the hose join but I didn't know that until now. On this brew, I had re-fastened the hose with boiling water but I also stopped using my hop-sock and thought that this had something to do with my now having 5.5lts left in the kettle!

Fourth Brew: Did a side by side with Hughman666. Arrived there and we had a beer. Started to crush the grain and two hours later it was crushed. Then we started to brew. Norkell was there as well so we couldn't let him drink alone. Suffice to say, at the end of the brew... well, that's another story but it involved encouraging Harry, who I bribed to pick me up, using the syphon as a pump. Video footage would be amusing.

Fifth Brew: By this stage, I don't know what I was thinking. This brew was with Doogiechap and I thought I'd experiment with using my hopsock as a filter. Agh!!! Friggin' syphon didn't work on Doogie's brew or mine! Must be the hopsock...

Sixth Brew: Today I brewed with Harry. We used the hopsock. Syphon doesn't work. Drive to my place and get my old broken syphon and the second new one. Second new one doesn't work. Whack my old broken one in - no worries.

End Result - Clear wort and back to my old very respectable losses to trub.

Anyway, I must thank Brewcraft for this very long post and all my syphoning troubles.

Firstly, can anyone tell me why someone would change a beautiful product into a nightmare? Secondly, can anyone tell me why such a company would sell a product that doesnt actually work'?

Even if I just got two faulty syphons in a row, the inside diameter of these new syphons is simply too large for a good brewing syphon.

Spot ya,

P.S. Mika, everything about my new computer is tops and will withstand all tests except the keyboard. The keys seem to be closer together than on my last one so huge amounts of concentration are required for me to type accurately. This seems to be working out well for me in recent time/motion and drinking studies - lol!!!
Oh yeah. He's back in true PP style!

I didn't get any video evidence of the fourth brew, I did however get a photo on my phone (I'm a bloody photographer and I used a phone to take one of funniest photos of Pat ever - that's weak!)
This is him stumbling around almost falling into the kettle (which at this stage was so infected and dirty he may have died if had done so):


Harry, that's just plain trick photography. Any expert can tell the picture has been doctored.

The unedited picture, when taken in context (i.e. hughman and I knew that an all-female police force had set up breathalysers on the home route), clearly shows hughman and I checking whether you had the qualifications to drive me home safely.

As all AHBrs can clearly see from that tape measure, I obviously did get home safely but the women police constantly pulling us over for your details eventually wore thin with me. Next time, I'm driving home drunk.

Just joking of course,
yes harry, what that pic doesn't show is the 15cm of water that we were wading around in due to letting our chillers simply piss water all over my carport. pat wasn't drunk, of course the way it would have been great too get a pic of harry just pumping all that shit into the fermenter, trub and all!!

pat have you kegged yours yet? mine's just about finished!!
pat have you kegged yours yet? mine's just about finished!!

I was waiting for a keg to free up. By the look of my posts last night, I reckon I probably have several now :unsure: Will keg it on the weekend and make sure you save some of yours for me :eek:

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