Australian IPA

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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I have been thinking along the lines of an oz IPA ish also and currently have my own rough interpretation on the go. Loosely based on an extra strong coopers pale/sparkling ale with added late new oz hops. Ive been calling it an Oz Extra Pale Ale so far as there isnt really a style for this beer yet. It goes something like this:
76% jw pale ale malt
17% jw wheat malt
1% dark crystal
6% sugar
23ibus of POR @ 60 min
Recultured coopers yeast at 17degrees.
8 ibus each of Galaxy and Ella frech pressed for 5 min and added post ferment after crash chilling which I work out to about 3 min boil.

So far samples taste great.

I think coopers or some other sort of bready/doughy/bananary/peary yeast is essential. Most American ipas are a us05 type or derivative of and most English ones are a clean english ale yeast neither really have a super wide range of yeast character if you want to nail their particular style.
Historically, before refrigeration, before the American Fosters brothers, before all the marketing hype, most aussie ales were fairly dark. Therefore I would lean towards a brown ale that contains wheat (perhaps crystal wheat and/or midnight/chocolate/etc wheat, too). Mild to no late hop aroma/flavour, allowing the malt to shine - like an English IPA but bolder by comparison (like the Aussie cricket team compared to the English team - Ashes IPA, anyone?)

Aussie India Brown Ale?
tlarnold47 said:
I have been thinking along the lines of an oz IPA ish also and currently have my own rough interpretation on the go. Loosely based on an extra strong coopers pale/sparkling ale with added late new oz hops. Ive been calling it an Oz Extra Pale Ale so far as there isnt really a style for this beer yet. It goes something like this:
76% jw pale ale malt
17% jw wheat malt
1% dark crystal
6% sugar
23ibus of POR @ 60 min
Recultured coopers yeast at 17degrees.
8 ibus each of Galaxy and Ella frech pressed for 5 min and added post ferment after crash chilling which I work out to about 3 min boil.

So far samples taste great.

I think coopers or some other sort of bready/doughy/bananary/peary yeast is essential. Most American ipas are a us05 type or derivative of and most English ones are a clean english ale yeast neither really have a super wide range of yeast character if you want to nail their particular style.
I have considered Stone & Wood Pacific Ale like Coopers PA with Passionfruit...would this make a larger beer with similar character?
Possibly, this is mid ferment so I'm not even sure how it'll finish yet but at this stage has more banana/pear yeast character than the stone and wood. If you ran the yeast cooler it could be something like you're eluding to I reckon.
Well I wouldn't call it a style, but it's a fun idea. When your home brewing I reckon do whatever you wantand call it whatever you want. If you were to enter into a competition though you would probably go to the American side. Anyway off that style guidelines stuff. I've recently experimented with coopers yeast. I made a basic 4% PA with cascade as my aroma and flavour. Dry hopped. I found that as the hops started backing off the yeast esters come through and the got a bit muddled. That was fermented at 20C - 22C :| though.
bradsbrew said:
Have the grain cracked for this trial double batch.
Convict IPA
Australian IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 45.0
Total Grain (kg): 11.750
Total Hops (g): 155.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.064 (°P): 15.7
Final Gravity (FG): 1.016 (°P): 4.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 6.29 %
Colour (SRM): 13.5 (EBC): 26.5
Bitterness (IBU): 40.2 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 80
Boil Time (Minutes): 90

Grain Bill
9.000 kg Galaxy Malt (76.6%)
1.000 kg Wheat Malt (8.51%)
0.750 kg Flaked Oats (6.38%)
0.500 kg Carared (4.26%)
0.500 kg Chocolate, Pale (4.26%)

Hop Bill
15.0 g Pride of Ringwood Leaf (8.1% Alpha) @ 45 Minutes (Boil) (0.3 g/L)
45.0 g Victoria Secret Leaf (17.2% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
20.0 g Pride of Ringwood Leaf (8.1% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
25.0 g Victoria Secret Leaf (17.2% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L)
20.0 g Pride of Ringwood Leaf (8.1% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop) (0.4 g/L)
30.0 g Victoria Secret Leaf (17.2% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop) (0.7 g/L)

Misc Bill

Multi step Infusion starting at 55°C for 10 ramped to 64°C for 60 then ramp to 78, stir then rest for 10. Double batch sparge.
Fermented at 19°C with WLP013 - London Ale ( yeast cake)

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
I am giving this a go.

Mashing low to try and get a drier finish. Added the choc because i think i should be there , as with the oats.
Vic Secret is lovely. Currently drinking a mostly single hooped Vic Secret pale...
Much better than the ones that are partially single hopped. ;)
Vic secret is quite nice... have a pale on tap that's fully single hopped with it at the moment. It's not what I expected, a bit of the fruit that you'd find in an american hop but quite subtle, a bit in common with something english like EKG too. A nice change of pace from in-your-face C hops.

I bought a four pack of aussie single hop 'IPAs' (4.8%...?) by bridge rd the other day. Had the Vic secret and the Summer last night. Both were very nice, if really just heavily hopped pale ales. The Vic secret was quite resiny, and the Summer had a really smooth bitterness and was very well balanced. Recommended.
I had the same bridge rd pack a while ago and thought the summer was the clear winner. None of them were bad though and a great pack and marketing exercise. I had 4 of these with a thai feed tonight.

Way too sweet for an IPA and 5.5% I recall a debate about weather Vale IPA fit the guidelines on here a while ago. These definitely don't. Less bitter than a stone and wood pacific ale. Not a bad beer, just a pale ale not an IPA at all.
The four bridge rd were closer to an IPA than this.

edit. re read and realized the beers with dinner had kicked in!
Something like a ramped up version of Stone and Wood Pacific Ale/Bridge Road Pale Ale would be a good candidate for an OzIPA in my mind. Aroma hops - Galaxy or Summer, bittering hops - Magnum or Horizon, clean base malt, wheat malt, munich malt, soft mouth feel, quenching dry finish, high drinkability, 6% ABV. Yeast wise something fairly neutral, WLP 001 or something similar.

The Bridge Road Galaxy IPA is what comes to mind when I think of Aussie IPA's.
Bobby Smith said:
Just make a 1.065 60IBU version of Coopers PA.

With cluster.
I think this was valuable input, actually.

Shame Bobby got banned after his first post.
Shame bobby shared an ip address with a bloke who shared an ip address with a bloke who was already banned for being a disruptive prick from day dot.
Banned for being already banned as well as multiple accounts, not for that post.

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