Got mine today.
After all the rucus and hoo-ha over this comp i only have one thing to suggest for next years comp and if it costs an extra dollar in entry fees that is fine by me.
When i did my engineering diploma, each year the certificate was sent out in an A4 envelope like the results were. The Tafe certificates had a piece of A4 cardboard inside to protect the certicicate and a big sticker on it that said "DO NOT BEND"
This may prevent the under paid disgruntled postman from screwing the envelope up into a strange shape that fitted in my mail box slot :angry: I hate australia post.... they really suck!
Its not your fault Ray

you cant control that but maybe next year this can be looked at ???
Other than that... all good, good score sheet with clear comments on it. Certicicate looks great and will go in a frame, creases and all.
cheers and thanks Ray, judges and crew of hard working helpers.