Hey deebee, WTF are "bardi grubs"??? I've never heard of such a thing. Then again, I'm not from your neck of the woods. Anyhoo, I thought I'd share one with you guys. Back in high school we used to dring whatever we could get our mits on. As I got a little older I found I preferred the imports. Then the microbrew revolution happened here in the States-- I found these too to be far preferable to the typical domestic swill. Then on Christmas my dad got me this contraption called "The Beer Machine". If your interested go to beermachine.com to see exactly what it is. I brewed the kit it came with that night and when it was fermmented out I stuck it in the fridge and drew a pint as soon as it got cold. It was brown-- no problem. It was cloudy-- a bit unusual but no big deal even though it did make me wonder. It had a very different aroma-- Smelled damned good to me but definitely unlike anything else I had ever smelled before and that caused me some concern because I thought perhaps I'd done something wrong. Oh well, down the hatch! KA BOOM!!!! What an explosion of flavor and complexity! Amazing! Astounding! Unexpected! My God, where have you been all my life??? I consumed the entire batch that night. The next day I went to the homebrew store to get a refill kit. I walked out of the store with a book, a lauter tun, a mash/ boil kettle, a racking cane, two 6.5 gallon carbouys, a bottle capper, a cajun cooker, etc. etc. and the ingredients for a 5 gallon batch of "Munich Dunkel" and "Trappist Ale". One lager and one ale. Both turned out magnificently. I've brewed all grain ever since my second batch. So if any of you out there think its difficult or whatever--- nah! Just do it. I do brew extract sometimes no biggie either.
Bottom line is, home brew is so off the charts with flavor etc. that nothing else even comes close. Sometimes people ask me when they find out I brew, "Is it any good?" I just smile and say, "My friend, you really can't even imagine. Your past experiences with beer can not possibly have prepared you for how good home brewed beer is." Then I invite them to come try some when they get their nerve up.
And by the way, it really is frightening to see how similar you Aussies are to us Yanks. Culture and all. Your average Joe Six Pack here in the States is so infused with Anhueser-Bush propoganda and so full of bland flavorless swill they can't see past the crap. Funny how they will eat these rich flavorfull foods like steak and pizza and piss and moan if they don't have the rich powerful flavor they desire, but when it comes to a beverage like beer-- they piss and moan if it isn't the most bland flavorless, bodiless, colorless piss on the planet. What is up with that???