I'm at work today (& yesterday) but I at least have tomorrow off, a rare occasion for an unlucky shiftworker.
Going to bbq some meat, drink beer brewed by me, swim, watch cricket whilst listening to JJJ hottest 100 (for as long as I can put up with the terrible music they play these days)
"terrible music"...nah, you're just getting old, I find I'm listening more to doublej nowadays as I'm getting old and keep thinking JJJ is playing **** music.
Leg of lamb in the kamado and some beers no doubt. Water in the brewrig and grain weighed for an experimental flanders red type with the DeBom wyeast yeast. Farkin hot, probably a few swims too.
Made a kettle today out of an old keg and if time permits tomorrow before the Australia Day shenadigans begin, I'll have a crack at making a hop sock/spider for the kettle and do a tiny bit of cleaning around the brewery as well as make a starter for a stout I have cubed.
Plan is to bottle a brew tomorrow, and then pitch yeast into today's brew. I also need to drink a few bottles tomorrow to harvest some yeast for a starter for next weekends brew.
Kids are agitating for a trip to the local pool...so at some stage I'll probably be showing off some old skool bombs in the deep end too.
Fire up the 3 webbers, 2 x low and slow and one for grilling! All while listening to triple J and knocking back some home brews. Only just kegged one last weekend so hopefully its all good for tomorrow!! Was thinking about brewing but have enough in the cubes for fermenting. Just being to lazy to ferment!
Might do some yard work in the early AM if i could be bothered.
just got back from a weekend camping trip, many beers, much surf and lots of laughs with a few mates. Raining here so unpack while listening to the J's then some movies on the lounge with the mrs. perfect weekend
Brewing 3 days, futsal, setting up shadecloth and a makeshift trellis for the vegies, drinking far more than is good for me, music listening (staying well away from any j, jj or jjj) and possibly some drawing tonight. Dinner last night with some close friends. Fairly typical weekend, just one day longer than normal.
Next door neighbours are playing the hottest 100. I haven't enjoyed jjj since I was 14 but can someone tell me why it's such a thing? Everything I can hear over the fence is dreadful, bland *****. Taylor swift possibly winning a spot is the least of their woes. So mediocre.
Cooking up a swag of dog food from stuff purged from my folks' ex-chest freezer (now to become my keezer, after I read-through all the build threads!).
Next, lots of curries to go in the "real" freezer for human consumption.
Been a busy weekend and not finished yet.
Seen the rellies from Norway off,haven't seen them for 14 yrs so it was great to catch up over the past week.
Tunarama festival weekend here so I have been busy driving our youngest here and there to and from work etc,we took his car off the road for the weekend because the highway patrol and Adelaide cops are in town and hassling P plate drivers ( ******s).
Still to do.
Bottle 2 brews.
Pick up the ******* of the lawn and mow it.
Load the ute up for work tomorrow .
Spray the veggies to get the little mongrels that are eating my cucumber plants.
Finish a job application .
Have few brews while listening to a brewing podcast.
And if I'm not to tired the missus might get a tap on the shoulder.....nah stuff that I'll have another beer or two .