Are You An Anal Grain Measurer

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On the back bloody porch!
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When measuring your grain do you measure your grain to the exact gram? Or dont you blink an eye if an extra 10-20gms go's in?
When measuring your grain do you measure your grain to the exact gram? Or dont you blink an eye if an extra 10-20gms go's in?

When i measure the scales usually go over a little bit sometimes 200g at worse but i always
end up spilling some into/out of the hopper so it evens up in the long run!

sometimes i miss count and get all excited my efficiency has gone up where i've just used more malt!

I tend to try and keep it on the money but can stray 5gm over from time to time.
Always spot on Steve. My digital hanging fish scales will only measure in 2g increments (Up to 50kg) so when I write up a recipe session I ensure that the weights of the grains, etc are not odd numbers.

A bit of both. :)

I try to get the measurement exact, but if it goes a bit over, well, who cares.

Anyway, even if you were 50g over in a 5kg grain bill that's only a 1% difference.
what a subject heading.!!!! (took a few reads...)

I'm all over the shop (now that i think of it). When i measure my base malts out, i use my woolies 1200ml plastic jug and just scoop to the right level, no scales! :eek:
but then weirdly enough i weigh out my specialties with cocaine scales and often pinch back 2g over the desired amount. :lol:

contradicting i know.
what a subject heading.!!!! (took a few reads...)

I'm all over the shop (now that i think of it). When i measure my base malts out, i use my woolies 1200ml plastic jug and just scoop to the right level, no scales! :eek:
but then weirdly enough i weigh out my specialties with cocaine scales and often pinch back 2g over the desired amount. :lol:

contradicting i know.

Not too worried about base malts being out by a bit, but specialty grains I like to be precise. That said, many other small variations in the process will affect the finished product more than a few extra grains. Think what 1 degree difference during mashing or fermentation does.
Not too worried about base malts being out by a bit, but specialty grains I like to be precise. That said, many other small variations in the process will affect the finished product more than a few extra grains. Think what 1 degree difference during mashing or fermentation does.

very good point insight
Not too worried about base malts being out by a bit, but specialty grains I like to be precise. That said, many other small variations in the process will affect the finished product more than a few extra grains. Think what 1 degree difference during mashing or fermentation does.

exactly.! and that is the main reason i have resorted to plain ol' scooping my base malts.
(that and pure laziness.. i guess)
I tend to be pretty accurate with specialty malts, but for base if its out by 10-50 grams, I don't really care.
Always spot on Steve. .

Of course :lol: :lol:

As with most others here I am just about bang on the specialty malts,but base malts I tend to let go over a bit,under never ;)

I was a bit worried about the title of this topic Steve. Thought I had stumbled upon 'aussie homo brewers', by mistake!

As for the question, I always go a bit over, makes my efficiency better. :p
I know Ross/Josh will always weigh my grains perfectly :)
I weigh my grain to the gram.

Hops on the other hand..... :rolleyes:
base grains im sweet with whatever goes as but with my speciality grains im pretty anal... but on the other hand with hops i can't help myself and put more than whats in the recipe(im addicted to hops).. but thats just me

I'm so frickin lazy it's not funnt. My grain scoop picks up about 300 grams at a time, and i only have 2 kg scales, with a 1 kilo bowl. I'm happy if each kilo gets with in 20 grams. i prob end up with shiteloads more grain than i should.. ah well

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