Are You A Homebrewer Or A Craftbrewer?

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Are you a Homebrewer or a Craftbrewer?

  • Homebrewer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Craftbrewer

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I make beer at home. If you want some I'm glad to share it. If not, your loss.

As for anything else, I don't give a shit.


Edit: missed a word. Obviously too many homebrews ... ;)
Well I've brewed at home, brewed at friends houses, brewed at microbreweries.

Spose that just makes me a "Brewer".
I'm just a tinkerer in the garage. Just having fun, thats all.
I simply just do it, without limitation of labels.

Brewer Pete
Backyard Brewer
I call it hobby, my wife calls it obsession!
"craft brewer"

The space is essential. I'm not the original, and I'm not the best, but I consider what I do to be a sort of craft. I could assemble a table from Ikea, but I wouldn't say that I crafted it. If I chose some wood, cut it to size, designed a table, and assembled it in the way I wanted, I would say that I had crafted that - It would be hand-crafted. It would also hold more sentimental value than the Ikea piece of crap before it falls apart.

I also agree with the stigma associated with the term "home brewer" because of the laziness of some fermentation assistants who do very little assisting. There's a fine line though - a kit with some spec malts and a personally chosen yeast would classify as craft brewed in my book, even if not done particularly well.

Gee this thread got off to a fast start.
Wish I had read the entire thread before I replied.

I Voted "Homebrewer" but after reading all of the replies I would have voted "Craftbrewer"

The reason why?

Well, I know far too many homebrewers that brew as CHEAP as they can... Hell, I know a guy that resuses his bottlecaps, to cap his $9 Cooper kits made with Cane Sugar.

I use grain to craft my brews, and while they are not all fantastic, they are all home brewed and made to the best of my ability.. which is a CRAFT. If I brewed from kits & Kilos I might consider myself a "homebrewer" but probably not. I consider my brews quite/far superior to the reused caps and $15 brews.

just my $.02
OK so I'm a knob :( , yep I like to call myself a craftbrewer :ph34r: I take raw ingredients and create something that is my own, and unique. Never really thought being a craftbrewer was being snobby or stuck up. My beer labels will most likely include the term "Hand Crafted" one day. "Hand Home" just doesn't sound right to me.



I call myself a craftbrewer too
i feel a change,we are proud of what we craft,be gone homebrewer,welcome home craft brewer, B)
Hey, everybody has said what they call themselves - but what do other people call you?

A few years ago we were in London and having a beer at the "Brew Wharf" at London Bridge. The barman mentioned that they brew all their beers on premises. My wife said "My husband is a brewer". The brewer came out to chat to us and we talked about grain, yeast, hops and styles. He was surprised to hear that we could get TF and Bairds MO in OZ. When I told him that I only brew at home, he said "h your a real brewer, I thought you were one of those from CUB".

So I suppose I'm a brewer - My wife thinks I am and tells people when ever the nobbs prattle on about beer. That seems to stiffle their knowledge somewhat.

I am a craftbrewer cause I dont brew in a bag,Ha ha lol :D And I have a pump.He he.
Hows that chap chap.
I am homebrew as a hobby, I used the term craftbrewer once and people just got confused. I like to tell people I brew for a hobby, makes people show some interest rather than tell me about their mate who uses 2 kg of sugar with thier coopers "Larger" ( the r is intentional).

Hobby brewer' good term that.

I simply just do it, without limitation of labels.

Brewer Pete


Well, I know far too many homebrewers that brew as CHEAP as they can... Hell, I know a guy that resuses his bottlecaps, to cap his $9 Cooper kits made with Cane Sugar.

Fark, doesn't seem that long ago :rolleyes:

View attachment 34392
Backyard Brewer
I call it hobby, my wife calls it obsession!

I have a wife that understands

Back Yard Brewer

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