I think the original point was to rubbish the stupid idea that there was an absolute distinction between home brewers as people who didn't give a crap about their final product and craftebrewers as some kind of anal technical magical artist type person. Just read how stupid the original quote actually is to anyone with a modicum of grey coloured cellular material.
I do other crafts
I don't care what the masses might think of the term and its negative connotations. Craft brewer is a **** term
I am a craftbrewer cause I dont brew in a bag,Ha ha lol And I have a pump.He he.
Here here perfect Sav and those without pumps are just try hards huh? h34r:
This is got to be biggest w@nk topic on this whole site.
What's a home brewer? Anyone that brews at home. This includes people, like my dad, who goes to the supermarket, picks up the same can everytime, thows in a kilo of dextrose and ferments using the kit yeast. The results are variable to say the least. There are probably thousands of home brewers in the community who brew this way because they don't know any different.
I answered home brewer because I'm an Australian and we don't need wanky terms to describe ourselves. We just let the results speak for themselves.
The results are variable to say the least.