Are You A Homebrewer Or A Craftbrewer?

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Are you a Homebrewer or a Craftbrewer?

  • Homebrewer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Craftbrewer

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If you brew beer commercially on a small hand crafted scale aren't you then a micro-brewery that craftbrews beer?

Amateur craft homebrewer.

Amateur; I do not get paid to do it; this makes no inference to quality as pointed out earlier with Olympic reference

Craft; as in write recipe, design mash, use yeast in a controlled manner to obtain a particular result, hop schedule, water modification & general manipulation of the ingredients & processes.

Homebrewer; as in I brew in my home, not in the garage, the home! :)

Beer that is made from a kit & kilo, in my mind is not a handcrafted beer by the brewer, regarless of it's quality or lack of. Therefore a K&K brewer is not a craft brewer.

I do not regard K&K homebrewers as inferior, they are getting what they want out of brewing & are happy with it. Excellent beers can be made from kits, but they have been crafted by the manufacturer.

Happy New Year
Ninja Brewer.
No takers on the Kooinda question, I see...

What about the guys who help out at 3Ravens for nothing more than the romance of it and a free beer occasionally?

What about the AHB member (I apologise for forgetting your nick) who has brewed their beer on/in a commercial brewery as part of a prize? Not at home, not professionally, so neither fish nor fowl?

Perhaps you are what you think you are? (I still think I'm a wanker.)

Hi mate, yeah 3 of us are from a Homebrewing background (all grain) and the other 2 just enjoy drinking it ;) .
Is has been great being able to apply those years of homebrewing to our microbrewery business. Its a great feeling to craft a recipe and have it on the market. 3 Heads are better than one. Problem is we all like different styles :p
I'm a brewer.
When I brew at home.... I'm a brewer.
When I brew at work ... I'm a brewer.
When I brew at someone else's home... I'm a brewer.
I'm a brewer.
I make beer that is termed as craft beer.
I'm a brewer.
I quite like the term Amateur Brewer instead of home brewer..... nothing wrong with not being paid to make great beer for yourself.
I get paid to make (craft)beer so I guess that makes me a commercial brewer/proffesional brewer/....craftbrewer?.... /sellout to my homebrewing roots ... :p
Nothing against the term craftbrewer.... I just prefer Amateur brewer or even just... brewer.
No takers on the Kooinda question, I see...

What about the guys who help out at 3Ravens for nothing more than the romance of it and a free beer occasionally?

What about the AHB member (I apologise for forgetting your nick) who has brewed their beer on/in a commercial brewery as part of a prize? Not at home, not professionally, so neither fish nor fowl?

Perhaps you are what you think you are? (I still think I'm a wanker.)

Now that's a ChampionBrewer!!
I picked craftbrewer because I like to make people aware that there's so much more to beer than Victoria Bitter and godawful rocketfuel homebrew. I find people are more likely to stop and say "what's one of those?" and be interested in more information if you identify yourself as a craftbrewer.
Some people who you say that you're a "homebrewer" to, you can see their instant dismissal of you as someone out to get drunk as they can for as little expenditure as possible on their faces.

Although I am coming to learn that most people don't want to learn new things, so I find myself just saying "homebrewer" more and more these days. My desire to educate everyone is just about dead. F*%k 'em if they don't want to learn.
I disagree. If you hand craft your beer, on whatever scale, you are a craft brewer. If you do it at home, you are also a home brewer. To me, craft brewing has connotations of care.. that you care for what you're doing and you put that care into crafting your beer. It also has connotations of quality. Home brewing to me, means however you choose to brew, you do it at home... that's all.

Difficult to argue with ligic !!! But still this IS AHB

Hi all, Master Craftbrewer from the Benevolent Brewery here.....ha ha I crack myself up :lol:

Well I am a lot of things, some of the tasks which relate to brewing that I have undertaken include:

- Water analyst
- Maltster
- Miller
- Hop farmer
- Boiler maker
- Plumber
- Yeast culture developer
- Recipe formulation
- Marketing manager
- Graphic artist
- Sales rep
- Procurement officer

All of these jobs which I've done and I class myself as a brewer. I not only brew at home but thats where I do most of it and I don't think it matters what what you or others label brewing at your relavent level. What matters is what your final out come is....good beer. There are a few professional brewers out there who I'd call shit brewers, yet they still get to profess they are in the industry. To each his own :icon_cheers:

When you tell some random you are a Home brewer and he rolls his eyes back. Just smile and think to yourself, that this person has no idea of the wonderous world which is being a brewer :beerbang:


Thinking more about this and since my brew day seems to be 90% washing up maybe I'm more a dish washer?? Now, am I a craft dishwasher, or ...
Thinking more about this and since my brew day seems to be 90% washing up maybe I'm more a dish washer?? Now, am I a craft dishwasher, or ...

:lol: Pure Gold

Yes I reckon I am more of a Chief Dish Bitch and Bottle Washer. :p
Not on the poll but i'd go with Hobby Brewer as suggested by Zwickel & Kook in previous posts.

To confirm this take a trip to your local newsagents and homebrew magazines appear in the "Hobby" section not the "Craft" section


Thinking more about this and since my brew day seems to be 90% washing up maybe I'm more a dish washer?? Now, am I a craft dishwasher, or ...

After my little "time out of life" back in August, I have Craft. Can't Remember A Fcuking Thing :lol:

To confirm this take a trip to your local newsagents and homebrew magazines appear in the "Hobby" section not the "Craft" section
I get mine from the Food & Wine section usually...
That would make me a shed brewer.

I brew craft brews in my shed.


I'm agnostic now, but used to be a 'Laundry Brewer'. Made quite a nice lighter style beer I dubbed 'Tumble Dry' too. :p

Craft brewer doesn't sound nearly pretentious for yours truely.
I prefer the term "Brew Master" or "Beersmith", and generally wear a badge affirming my position whilst brewing, not to mention overalls, goggles and large boots.

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