Anyone Used Marris Otter In A Lager?

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Hey Warra I had never had much luck brewing lagers but I have changed a few things and I have been making lagers recently with good results and what have I been missing out on.

a Dortmunder style German lager
a Bitburger style German pilsner
a German Maibock.

If everyone brewed a good lager or Pilsner they wont look back.

Pumpy :)

I've not had much real success with lagers, although they have been quite drinkable. The few I've done have all had something not quite right, you wouldn't enter them in a comp. I'll have to try again.
I still have a split of WY2001 in the fridge, and about 30 kg of Weyermann Premium Pils malt.
I'm thinking of doing an all Pils malt, single infusion, all Saaz.
Maybe if I keep it dead simple, forget about decoctions etc, we'll see what we can achieve.
I've not had much real success with lagers, although they have been quite drinkable. The few I've done have all had something not quite right, you wouldn't enter them in a comp. I'll have to try again.
I still have a split of WY2001 in the fridge, and about 30 kg of Weyermann Premium Pils malt.
I'm thinking of doing an all Pils malt, single infusion, all Saaz.
Maybe if I keep it dead simple, forget about decoctions etc, we'll see what we can achieve.

:icon_offtopic: Warra, I'm a couple of weeks ahead of you on that one. I've had my first Pilsener in primary at 10 to 12 degrees for three weeks with diacetyl rest at 15 degrees as well, and lagering it for three weeks as from this afternoon. FWIW:

5kg Bohemian Pilsener
6 plugs German Saaz 90 mins
3 plugs 20 mins

Wyeast 2001 Urquell started and bred up for 3 days for more pitching yeast.

I used half and half town water and ALDI springwater and did a 20 min rest at 53 degrees first.

Can't wait to have a sip whilst transferring to lagering vessel.
I've not had much real success with lagers, although they have been quite drinkable. The few I've done have all had something not quite right, you wouldn't enter them in a comp. I'll have to try again.
I still have a split of WY2001 in the fridge, and about 30 kg of Weyermann Premium Pils malt.
I'm thinking of doing an all Pils malt, single infusion, all Saaz.
Maybe if I keep it dead simple, forget about decoctions etc, we'll see what we can achieve.

Warra this is a simple recipe .my mate & I mashed it ,He took a keg to a BBQ last night and the five of them finished the keg they loved it !!

The Best information I can give you and I am no expert on Lagers /pilsners is

  1. I did do a 50C protein rest and them mashed about 65C
  2. Do a 4 litre at 10 C starter its worth it
  3. Chill the wort to 10 C
  4. remember you can aerate anytime during the wort in the first 24-36 hours .
  5. You wont need to do a Diacetyl rest if you start both at 10C with a big starter but you can if you want .
  6. should ferment out in 2-3 weeks keep checking the gravity you dont want too low 1.010-11 Sg.
  7. lager for 4 weeks
  8. I was into mine after two weeks but better to lager
  9. Listen to all the BN Podcasts on all lagers Bocks,pisners ,maibocks etc to get all the info well worth it

Pumpy :)

Lachi's Pilsner( Revised 1 )
German Pilsner (Pils)

Type: All Grain
Date: 23/05/2009
Batch Size: 40.00 L
Brewer: Lauchi
Boil Size: 47.96 L Asst Brewer: Pumpy
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: My Equipment 40
Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.00
Taste Notes:


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.76 kg Weyermann Pilsner (3.9 EBC) Grain 100.00 %
62.00 gm Pearle [8.00 %] (60 min) Hops 29.8 IBU
35.00 gm Saaz [3.20 %] (15 min) Hops 3.3 IBU
25.00 gm Saaz [3.20 %] (1 min) Hops 0.2 IBU
1.00 tsp Koppafloc (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
2.12 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Primary 3.0 days) Misc
21.13 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
2 Pkgs German Bock Lager (White Labs #WLP833) Yeast-Lager

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.052 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.010 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.005 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.02 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 0.65 %
Bitterness: 33.3 IBU Calories: 90 cal/l
Est Color: 6.5 EBC Color: Color

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Temperature Mash, 2 Step, Light Body Total Grain Weight: 7.76 kg
Sparge Water: 36.49 L Grain Temperature: 22.2 C
Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C TunTemperature: 22.2 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Temperature Mash, 2 Step, Light Body Step Time Name Description Step Temp
30 min Protein Rest Add 20.24 L of water at 54.0 C 50.0 C
75 min Saccharification Heat to 65.0 C over 15 min 65.0 C
10 min Mash Out Heat to 75.6 C over 10 min 75.6 C

Mash Notes: Two step profile with a protein rest for mashes with unmodified grains or adjuncts. Temperature mash for use when mashing in a brew pot over a heat source such as the stove. Use heat to maintain desired temperature during the mash.

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