anyone made pizza dough with beer yeast

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I go thru phases with cooking things and get kinda obsessed until I nail it and then move onto the next thing , the last few weeks I have been into making my own pizza dough . just using 7g packets of baking yeast

I have a bunch of 7g coopers yeasts in the freezer from cans that don't get used. Anyone tried making pizza dough with them ?

I googled it and it all seemed pretty mixed feedback out there. Just wondering if anyone here has done it
Tried it before with dry brewing yeast and it had a yeasty tangy taste to it. Didn't try it again.
I've done it heaps of times with Coopers and it has always been good. If you were to use trub from the fermenter, then you might get some ****** bitter flavours.
I've done it heaps of times with Coopers and it has always been good. If you were to use trub from the fermenter, then you might get some ****** bitter flavours.
Definately! Don't use yeast cake. I made a loaf of bread once with harvested yeast cake and I couldn't believe just how much bitterness carried through in the yeast. Very bitter!
As for coopers dry yeast I thought it would be at least as good as bread yeast. The old days Bakers used to get thier yeast from the brewers. To note though that Coopers gold satchel yeast is good stuff. I would buy it if it was easy to get. Made some of the best ales I've made as long as you have the yeast count up, not under pitching etc.
There are different ways of making the pizza dough some take longer times and put in the fridge.
I, too, make pizza dough from scratch and have a lot of left over coopers yeast. You can bet I'll be giving this a go now that I'm curious.
There are different ways of making the pizza dough some take longer times and put in the fridge.
I cheat and actually use my bread machine. 10 minutes starter. ~30c water, salt, sugar and yeast to get it into activation. When in Krausen then add the flour. Push the button.
Perfect puffy fluffy Pizza dough in 90 minutes. :cool:
I nearly bought a bread machine but decided that the effort I spent kneading would help to cancel out how much more bread I was eating, plus means I don't make it too often. Imagine multiplying that problem if I'd started using one for pizza!

On a more beery note, I'm wondering if I should try a pizza base with brewing yeast and a little DME in place of sugar just to see how it goes.
I prefer using the beer yeast in the beer, then drinking the beer with the pizza made with normal yeast.
Not the same I know, but there you have it. ;) :noworries: