Any Ag Brewers In Albury/wodonga Area?

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Hey Guys,

If there is anyone in the Albury/Wodonga area who is currently AG brewing or looking to get involved that is interested in getting together to discuss creating a brew club in the area, sing out now.

I have been AG brewing for about 2 years and only know of 2 other people in the area doing it, but I'm guessing there must be more.

Hey Leighton, can't help with your query - however..... I flew down to Albury for the day a few months ago for work and got to talking to a couple of people down there. Apparently, there's a massive hop growing operation very close to the town, ie.. a large percentage of Australia's hops are grown there?

Is this true?

Cheers - Mike
Hey Leighton, can't help with your query - however..... I flew down to Albury for the day a few months ago for work and got to talking to a couple of people down there. Apparently, there's a massive hop growing operation very close to the town, ie.. a large percentage of Australia's hops are grown there?

Is this true?

Cheers - Mike

I believe so... However, it is american owned and operated as far as I'm aware... Local brewers have trouble buying direct from them.... Everything gets shipped back to america before being distributed from there, or so I've been told.

We are pretty lucky here, we have 3-4 breweries within a 50K radius of Albury.

Hi Leighton,

I'm interesred in meeting with other brewers in the area. Have sent you a PM.

Hi guys, I'm in the area, not quite up to doing all grain brews yet, but still am keen to get something organised.

Bulk hop buys sound good.

Anyone in the area know where to get them in lager amounts?
Evening guys

realise that your post was a while back, I'm in Chiltern & just getting started with the whole AG brewing, looking to find local places to purchase grain in bulk etc. Do you guys have any advise?

I have most of the equipment to get started just waiting on a couple of things should be ready in the next week or so to get started. Meanwhile need to get the ingredients.

Thinking of making a bitter first then a wheat beer. Friend in the UK uses Marris Otter as a base malt, do you know how to get hold of this locally.
Don't even think of any of the local suppliers. The only HBS in the Albury/Wodonga area masquerades as a fishing shop,
pet shop etc, etc.

Grain and Grape is the most reliable supplier if you want to order bits & pieces...but their bulk grain prices are a bit on the
expensive side.....unless you have been part of one of the bulk buys that uses them as the supplier.

Craftbrewer is good too but takes an eternity to get your stuff even if you use express post packs. Not their fault...just seems
that you can order something from the US and it arrives about the same time....

PM me & I'll hook you up with a few who are brewing good beer.

Hey Guys.
Are you all sill looking for people who do all grain?
I am about to travel the AG path.

I know this post is a little old, but hope to catch up anyway!

Hi guys.
Long time ag brewer, just moved to wodonga.
Give me a shout if I can be on any help!
I know this is an older thread, but seeing if any of you were still in the area and looking to catch up with other brewers, start a brew club etc. I started a new thread here to gauge any interest.

PM me or reply to that thread if interested.


Hey mate I am another all grain brewer in the area and I know of at least another 3 or 4 around here who haven't commented on the post.

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