Anhc 2012

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Andrew Walsh - Townsville Bogan

Ross the Beer Ninja reluctantly makes friends with Knights of the Round table

Nice Chainmail!

Andyd in his standard eveningwear. Sucking blood is how he keeps his youthful complexion.

Ok, so she chops people up for fun... but hey - she's hot!
Even deadly Beer Ninjas need female company sometimes.....

The Westgate boys sure know how to build a bar!

Beer Ninjas Florian and Sim

Beer Ninja Snow on pouring duty....
Still not quite sure where these crazy boys were leading me at 3am on club night...we weren't getting in anywhere in those shorts. :p


Thanks to all involved in both the ANHC and the nats. Had an absolute ball and learnt a bunch. :)
Here is a video I took of . Sorry for the wobbly hand-held camera effects, but that was the best I could do, given the state I was in :lol: :chug:

Cheers - Snow
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Fantastic weekend. I find myself walking aimlessly around the house wondering if there's a way I could somehow return - time machine or something - Life without ANCH and an imperial stout in my hand at 10am just seems a little... well, empty really...

Here are a a couple of pics from the gala dinner and club night, with a gratuitous bragging photo of Matt Brynildson drinking my IPA at the end. What an awesome guy. Best speaker at the conference (from an impressive field) and just a great guy to talk to - his wife was pretty friendly too, especially considering she's pregnant and unable to take part as much as she would have liked...




Bloody awesome night, I will be going again.

Thanks to all of those that lead Jeff (WestCoastBrewers) astray, it makes for a good story :)

Hopefully we will have heaps more WA members at the next one, you never know it could be in WA.

Our Beers on tap were

1. American Brown
2. Sweet Stout
3. Braggot
4. American Pale Ale (Did not tap it)

Sean J - Vice Pres
BAHAHAHAHAHA you gotta put that up on the club's facebook page Damien, thats tops...bikers...ninjas...we got it covered ;)
hehe thanks mate, I was wearing my GoldCLUB colours underneath my Ninja outfit... ;)
Still not quite sure where these crazy boys were leading me at 3am on club night...we weren't getting in anywhere in those shorts. :p


in that pic we were on the way to the croft institute. they were happy to let us in but were closing (they said come back anytime and if i'm wearing those shorts i can get a free drink :icon_cheers: )

we tried a few more places after that and got the 'no shorts' or 'too drunk' until the good folk at the red violin welcomed jeff and i in with open arms where we drank coopers and tequila until about 5am. you should have stayed with us.

Thanks to all of those that lead Jeff (WestCoastBrewers) astray, it makes for a good story :)

yeah no problem..... as far as i know jeff and i were the last anhc men standing. top effort jeff!
Awesome effort to all those involved.
Definitely a life changing experience.

Most exciting moments....
Club night...just when you thought it couldn't get any more bizarre....
Brian's Saison at the Gala and Pairing Dinner;
Matt Brynildson's Barrel aged Parabola;
Mrs Palmas veal schnitzel extravaganza;
Our night at Josie Bones (ie this is great Brendan ...'yeah I brewed that...more pigs head?')
Old mate realising that Jamil was attending the Heretic launch via pants-off Skype
and not actually going to be there.
Oh and my old man's 'eureka' realisation that sour beers are really meant to taste like that. Thanks Barls.

The next one's gonna hafta be a ball tearer to beat it.
Sign me up.

I absolutely loved Brendan's Lolita strawberry Berliner Weisse.

Hey mate, really glad you liked it but sorry to say it wasn't a Berliner Weisse. Some of the ICB dudes were introducing it as one for some reason, but it's just a sour fruit beer / pseudo-Lambic that happens to have wheat in it (I think of it as a Flanders Pale Ale)

Great to meet you too Harry!
Hey BDB.....
I Think this blokein medieveal costume isn't a bad looker , either.....
And Braden....your as ugly as a hat full of costume...
Who'd like a Melbourne Club night only next year ?????I reckon we should...only caveat...ya gotta dress up....
Hey BDB.....
I Think this blokein medieveal costume isn't a bad looker , either.....
And Braden....your as ugly as a hat full of costume...
Who'd like a Melbourne Club night only next year ?????I reckon we should...only caveat...ya gotta dress up....

Melbourne Brewers would be up for it...

Great idea guys, good excuse to brew more beer and be social. More importantly create stronger ties between the bretheran.....
I'm sure us Bayside guys would be keen, too.

Let's just try to avoid October (Oktoberfest, Nationals, etc).
Does that include the mexicans from south of melbourne?(Geelong)

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