^ I have about 30 & that's how its works - total of the tape. And we hope they don't **** up cause when they do it costs $. Or when there's no work and the boys are sweeping the floor that costs $ with 0 income.
Problem is you'd think doubling your number of employees would double your capacity. Its simply not the case. For a double the employees you might get a 1.5-1.7x increase in productivity. More employees = more headaches. Sometimes I think I'm a kinder teacher not a manager.
Last financial year we broke even and this year we look to be making a loss unless things pickup dramatically. Regardless of how much work you're doing most of your overheads don't vary that greatly. Sure materials costs are lower and your consumables are down. But general electricity bills remain fairly stable, estimators are still working, rent remains the same, licencing remains the same, 3 month testing of equipment (irrespective of if its been used or not), water, rates, gas etc all remain fairly stable but your turn over is down. Eventually something has to give.