said:Also I tried that shop in the UK that Nick jd posted and they don't ship to aus. I guess that means you can't get it for $30 then from there.
"Amarillo Hops are a highly sought after (and hard to come by) Aromatic Hop"Nick JD said:
bum said:"Amarillo Hops are a highly sought after (and hard to come by) Aromatic Hop"
"Amarillo Hops are a highly sought after (and easy to hold onto and charge twice start of season's retail) Deoderant Hop"
Surely this only works if there is reduced competition (i.e. a shortage is being experienced)? Which is it - is there a shortage or no?Nick JD said:easy to hold onto and charge twice start of season's retail) Deoderant Hop"
Global Amarillo Shortage conspiracy.Nick JD said:If you can still buy Amarillo this August, then we'll know that for sure I s'pose.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the shortage is in reality, people holding onto it and leaking it out to double their profit. Good for them, that's how business works and all - but it's a bit manipulative and smacks of oil companies hiking prices on the Friday of a long weekend.
Hops direct sold all their's for $17 a pound. Had they held onto it, and released it successively over the year - they could have got $35 for it. But they didn't.
Betcha there's literally tons of Amarillo sitting in freezers around the world right now.
sounds more like the recipe for bad batch of simcoe to me... : )Nick JD said:Amarillo is easy to make at home. I have the recipe. Here it is.
To 1 pound of Cascade Hops, liberally add 1 aerosol can of Rexona Sport deodorant, a teaspoon of cat wee and a dash of nectarine juice.
Let dry and package with a $35 price tag.