Am I going to die?

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VP Brewing

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Not sure if this is in the right place. Bit of a stuff up but I had my blow off tube in a bottle of sodium percarbonate solution which was fairly strong ( about a table spoon in a litre) and when I crash chilled it sucked maybe 200ml into the fermenter. I know it is probably safe but will it be bad for me or ruin the batch? Or am I being paranoid?
Yes you are going to die! we all are its an inescapable fact of life.
Is 200mL of perk solution going to kill you - I doubt it. I wouldn't drink it but then I'm not an alcoholic and rarely feel the need to drink contaminated beverages of any sort, that includes water in third world countries, Metho and beer with steriliser in it.

Mate un-pucker a bit, tip it out and brew a good beer, avoid contaminating it and enjoy.
Well, if it breaks down into oxygen, water, and soda ash it would typically be safe to drink.

However I do agree with above and would just tip it.
That is bloody sad.

I couldn't take the chance. I would tip it, or give it to people I don't like.
Dammit. I'll keg it anyways and give it a taste. Not a good start to the year.
I left some sodium met solution in a keg prior to filling it. The beer tasted terrible as I assume yours will too.
In the autopsy they'll find remarkably clean intestines I'd imagine
Just out of curiosity, why did you start this thread?
8 replies and not a one of then suggesting that drinking beer with perk in it is a good idea, but you are going to do so anyway.
So why did you ask the question - if you think you know more than everyone here, why ask, if you don't like the answer and you are going to the ignore the advice you get, again why ask?
Next time you ask a question I for one couldn't be arsed wasting my time answering
Sodium Perc is classified by ANZFSA as food safe ( you could google it, I am to lazy to do it for you )

It will taste like **** if it is scented( I know this from experience ) but if its pure then it should be OK.

And yes, you will die, eventually, but not from a small amount of sodium-perc in your beer
Putting it in a keg is a lot different to putting it in my stomach. I was doing it because I'm going to brew again, need the fermenter space and don't want to dump a (hopefully) delicious ESB that has at most 0.01 tbs per litre. I'm not saying I know more or less than anyone else on here but willing to wait a bit longer to get more info and more responses.
Perc breaks down to oxygen and washing soda. Whilst washing soda isn't poisonous in small doses, why would you bother drinking it. However drink a glass and see. For a blowoff tube you are best just using sterile water, preferably in a fruit jar or something with the neck stuffed with cotton wool to prevent flies etc going for a swim in it.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Sodium Perc is classified by ANZFSA as food safe ( you could google it, I am to lazy to do it for you )

It will taste like **** if it is scented( I know this from experience ) but if its pure then it should be OK.

And yes, you will die, eventually, but not from a small amount of sodium-perc in your beer
It is NOT approved as a food additive, it is approved for use when cleaning food processing machinery and equipment, provided all traces are rinsed off after cleaning.
There is no way that its allowed to be added to a food for human consumption.
MHB said:
It is NOT approved as a food additive, it is approved for use when cleaning food processing machinery and equipment, provided all traces are rinsed off after cleaning.
There is no way that its allowed to be added to a food for human consumption.
I never said its was approved as an additive......I said it was food safe.
Bribie G said:
Apparently it's used in very small amounts in the USA in pretzels.
I thought bi carb was used for pretzels. Either way this thread is making me thirsty.
Yes but sodium carb apparently has the kick that bicarb only dreams of.

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