Am I A Weirdo?

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Hi I'm a newbie,

My fermenter is in my Laundry, and my toilet is off my laundry.

I have found myself spending more time sitting on the toilet listening to the dulcet tones of my air lock reading my Brewers Guide and dreaming of drinking all different kinds of beer.
I have also started leaving the Laundry door open as well as the bedroom door to listen to the magical glooping bubble sounds at night.
Regularly throughout the day I'll stand in the laundry gazing at the 21 Liters of beer in the fermenter.

Is this normal?, what's happening to me? my wife in concerned.

Should I be seeking help?
Are you sniffing the airlock exhalations yet?
Is this normal?, what's happening to me? my wife in concerned.
Should I be seeking help?

Yes its normal though it will wear off over time, you are just becoming addicted to the hobby, your wife's concern will grow over the years until she gets to the point that she doesnt say anything, just shakes her head.
Help? Youve come to the right place!
Should I be seeking help?

Yes.... Yes you should seek some help but not yet! Wait till your rugging the fermenter up at night before the kids, checking the gravity first when you get home rather than kissing the misses... All perfectly normal behaviour in my book! :lol:

Sniffing the air lock err... :rolleyes: I've been there!
A simple remedy is glad wrap instead of the lid and airlock

Your wife will come around, in time she may even start suggesting new beers to brew or equipment to buy

If she doesn't, leave her and find someone who appreciates you
Soon enough, the airlock won't be enough, you will have to start steeping. Once your senses are bored of that, it'll be a full on mash. Next step, fresh hop flowers. Then you'll be growing your own. After that, the only way to go forward is decoctions. :icon_drool2:

You can always break it up by rummaging through the Brew Food forum and make some cheese, chilli, jerky, bread, pizza...

We are a support site for your addiction. We support your addiction.
My better half always thought it a bit odd to pay so much attention to the beer, the other day it was confirmed what she always thought. She cought me talking to it. I think we all go a little crazy sometimes :wacko: I'm not too worried, unless it starts talking back
i feel much better after reading this, i can cancel that appointment i made and go back to the airlock.
Thank GOD i'm not alone!

but does dressing it up in a coopers shirt mean I've crossed a line?

You're not weird til it becomes sexual, and even then you can lie to yourself, i find it gets easier as time goes on. :lol:
Thank GOD i'm not alone!

but does dressing it up in a coopers shirt mean I've crossed a line?

Oh! I am sure your in good company here my friend!

BTW BeerFingers where can a get one of those for my babies?

... I get worried when I am not with them and a nice coopers security blankey may help their pain :huh:
BTW BeerFingers where can a get one of those for my babies?

... I get worried when I am not with them and a nice coopers security blankey may help their pain :huh:

Come over to SA and take a tour of the Coopers Brewery, they have a heap of fermenter coolers\warmers......i mean Shirts.

I got it as a bowling shirt, but since then it's found it's true calling.
I think its a win\win situation
She cought me talking to it. I think we all go a little crazy sometimes :wacko: I'm not too worried, unless it starts talking back

Just quietly.....last night i said goodnight to it.......

I am happy to keep my guys in the temp controlled closet, they can talk to each other and wear Hawaiian shirts when I am not looking.

I used to check on my brews every five mins to see if there was any change to the airlock bubble frequency or smell or look... Now I find myself more interested in checking on the finished stocks every five minutes "to subjectively measure the effects of oxidation and ageing".
You have turned completely bonkers and there is no cure. ;)
It take a couple of years to get used to the conditions for you immediated family.

You'll notice that when your colleagues and associates change their greeting from, How is your family?
What are you brewing?.
All you Birthday presents and x-mas present relate to beer somehow.
The dawn breaks, the birds sing, I look for shorts to cover my nakedness because, yes, I am about to go out to the garage, raise the roller door, open the brew fridge and zap the fermenters with the remote laser thermometer and anxiously scan the readout. Under 20. Sigh of relief.

Then I go for a pee and take my blood pressure tablet, vitamin pills and fish oil capsules knowing that I have got my priorities right...

Oh then I say good morning to SWMBO

I get mad looks from all my brewing mates, in our bedroom currently, on my side of the room of course :rolleyes: is 1 x chest freezer with temp control, comes on every 30-60mins roughly, a bar fridge which holds all of my yeast and hops, and 2 x fermenters which are both currently bubbling away :lol:

My partner is understanding to say the least :rolleyes:
Just quietly.....last night i said goodnight to it.......

I can't believe you didn't give it a kiss goodnight, read it a story and tucked it in!!!

That's just plain out and out brew negligence?

I don't know how you can sleep at night?