Am I A Weirdo?

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Hi I'm a newbie,

My fermenter is in my Laundry, and my toilet is off my laundry.

I have found myself spending more time sitting on the toilet listening to the dulcet tones of my air lock reading my Brewers Guide and dreaming of drinking all different kinds of beer.
I have also started leaving the Laundry door open as well as the bedroom door to listen to the magical glooping bubble sounds at night.
Regularly throughout the day I'll stand in the laundry gazing at the 21 Liters of beer in the fermenter.

Is this normal?, what's happening to me? my wife in concerned.

Should I be seeking help?


Now if you don't mind I think I hear my fermenters calling me
I got busted last night sniffing the airlock.. again!

I think she suspects something up? <_<
Hmmm... this thread just gave me and idea....

Webcam in the ferment fridge so I can watch the airlock bubble from work....

For a few $ you can watch it too :D
Hmmm... this thread just gave me and idea....

Webcam in the ferment fridge so I can watch the airlock bubble from work....

For a few $ you can watch it too :D

Don't you like kittens? B)
Hmmm... this thread just gave me and idea....

Webcam in the ferment fridge so I can watch the airlock bubble from work....

For a few $ you can watch it too :D

I feel better now I have considered that myself.

On a side note, I think my fermenter is upset that I pay more attemtion to the kegs :unsure:
On a side note, I think my fermenter is upset that I pay more attemtion to the kegs :unsure:

Now that is weird! :huh:

My fermenter jiggles, bloops and cooes when I burp the boys!

Got keep the whole family involved for balance and unity... ;)
Best yeast to sniff in action so far is WY3787...ooooh the bananas
I could have swapped the airlock for a piece of hose & stuck the other end up my.....nostril of course.
This topic is hilarious. But infact soooo true.

Some people are addicted to cars, some to shopping, some people are just dicks.

But at least all of us here have one thing in common, and thats beer.

Speaking of which. I found this rather piss funny. Here -
Hows this for weird...i actually enjoyed digging up some old, dirty bottles out of my garage, carting them upstairs, putting a measure of bleach solution in them and leaving them to soak overnight on the balcony so that they will be ready to bottle my next brew tomorrow . I mean there's no beer involved , its just chemicals and glass.... :huh:
Dont stress it BF, after a while the tide will turn.. well it did for me..

You: " I need to buy a whatever"
SWMBO: "What do you need that for?, What does it do?, But you are already making beer!"

6-12 months later

You: "I need to buy a whatever"

She will learn what is important!! ;)
Yeah, definitely kow the sort of conversation there.

Me: Hmm...reckon I might get some Kilkenny while I'm down the street.
Homebrew: Oh come on man, what about us? Cooped up down here...
Car: Yeah and what about me, you slack b@stard! I've been wanting a new petrol filter for 6 months!
Fermenter: No chance mate, been waiting for a new tap seal for longer than that...meanwhile will you bottle this brew already?
Me: Christ, alright, settle down, one at a time. I'll start with you, homebrew. *psht* Ahh...sweet liquor eases the pain...

You'll notice that when your colleagues and associates change their greeting from, How is your family?
What are you brewing?.
All you Birthday presents and x-mas present relate to beer somehow.

I get this. Not sure if its bad or not.

Confession: I've showered with my fermenters before. :blink:

:lol: hope they dont piss in the shower?

Next you will be walking down the street on council cleanup day and spotting items and thinking "How could I use that in my brewery"......

Yep........ thats mormal! Even better when you stop and..... without shame put said things in your car. I remember walking with my wife of an arvo and colection empty longnecks from peoples recycling.

Tell your wife......... if she is worried about your brewing, that you could be down at the pub chasing 18 year olds around but instead...... you choose to stay home with her and a bit of brewing should not be critasized.

And who here asks SWMBO'd for permision to but brewing stuff? I just buy it.

Well, not me. I treat my fermenters like kids. I make sure they have everything they need, then lock 'em in the garage til I'm ready to check on 'em. :lol:
Anyone need some babysitting done? :p