Am I A Weirdo?

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in our bedroom currently,.... a bar fridge which holds all of my yeast

My partner is understanding to say the least :rolleyes:

If that fridge has a glass door, you could claim to be "performing" to an audience of billions, teachin' em a thing or two about the reproductive phase....... :eek:

Surely thats beats Ron Jermey hands down!!! :beerbang:

:icon_cheers: SJ
I can't believe you didn't give it a kiss goodnight, read it a story and tucked it in!!!

That's just plain out and out brew negligence?

I don't know how you can sleep at night?

If it makes any difference, I was naked at the time.....and I was comfortable with that :D
Got up in the darkness this morning to get ready for work. Heard a noise and thought one of the kids was up. Was getting ready to be grumpy at them when I realised it was the airlock talking to me.

I smiled and whispered "Good morning"
FINGERS!!! Apparently no.. you're not weird. Let me rephrase that. In amongst THIS crowd.. you're not weird. Anywhere else and well, guess it's open for debate. And as a fellow noob.. um.. I actually understand what you're saying. I've started using the loo at the other end of the house, funnily enough next to the bathroom where the fermenters are.. just so I can lovingly caress them, maybe a little hug. Then I head back to the loungeroom, pat the handbrake and go about my business.
Oh.. and do you also make a beeline straight for the brew as soon as you get home, just to check .. :)

Not weird in the slightest...
I can relate to all of the above comments, also the boss doesn't understand when I get upset coz my brewing area smells like a laundry. It's full of useless space wasting equipment, you know washing machine, dryer, clothes baskets and crap like that. She just doesn't get it.
Oh.. and do you also make a beeline straight for the brew as soon as you get home, just to check .. :)

Not weird in the slightest...

I've been on leave since Australia Day and I dont go back until the 26th Feb.
I panic if I'm away from it for more than a couple of hours....Just in case I might need to throw a block of Ice in the Esky in where it lives.

Im getting separation anxiety just thinking about going back to work.
Yes very wierd... :) Now i will go to the start of the post and see why you are so weird.

Adam said it best that this site supports your addiction, along with supporting all the rest of us with our addictions too!

Must be time for a beer now! ;)
Confession: I've showered with my fermenters before. :blink:
Next you will be walking down the street on council cleanup day and spotting items and thinking "How could I use that in my brewery"......
Thank GOD i'm not alone!

but does dressing it up in a coopers shirt mean I've crossed a line?

No but your propensity towards theological fairy tale entities is a concern. Maybe you should stop drinking once the pink elephants arrive on the windowsill.
Maybe you should stop drinking once the pink elephants arrive on the windowsill.

They're big bloody flying elephants!!


They scare the shit outta me!
oh hey! I think we share a crack dealer!

I forgot to mention, that coopers shirt looks bloody awful. Glad you donated it to the fermenter's summer emsemble.

To answer you topic title, you will be a weirdo if you stick around on these fourms, so warn your missuz that the tug of war for your heart has already begun.
To answer you topic title, you will be a weirdo if you stick around on these fourms, so warn your missuz that the tug of war for your heart has already begun.

Quote From the Mrs Earlier today:

"I can tell we are coming're becoming obsessed"
:angry: Ahhhhhhhh STOP how the f@*k are you all reading my mind???????
I think i need a beer........ :unsure: oh im so confused......
Quote From the Mrs Earlier today:

"I can tell we are coming're becoming obsessed"

Dont stress it BF, after a while the tide will turn.. well it did for me..

You: " I need to buy a whatever"
SWMBO: "What do you need that for?, What does it do?, But you are already making beer!"

6-12 months later

You: "I need to buy a whatever"

She will learn what is important!! ;)
We should all learn to relax, not worry, and just enjoy our homebrews.

Until we actually propose marriage to our fermenters, I think we're all pretty safe.

However, I do hear mine now burbling away, and she's sounding ever so sweet. And that 8 centimeter kraeusen ring is doing things to me which can't be described on a family friendly forum, aaaahhhhh........I need a cup of tea to calm me down........too early for beer, sadly.