Why do you need to sanitise the kettle?Manticle, what do you use to clean them?
I use Pink Stain Remover for cleaning and diluted Phosphoric Acid for sanitizer - I am sure this would corrode the Al
Just give it a really good clean out with hot water initially, then with warm water, i get the chux cloth onto it and get all the caked on stuff out of the pot
Then another couple of HOT rinses after that, then dry it off. No problems.
I occasionally spray my kettle with starsan usually just before use. Takes about 8 seconds which I can accomodate. I sanitise my clean cube and hose before running off into them as well. Cleanliness is obviously the most important thing but a quick spray hurts no-one.
Hot sodium percarb to clean either if needed (it's rare the HLT needs it).