and this is a big BUT........(and a point I've made earlier that you either dimiss as irrelevant or have ignored or missed)
Let's give an average KK a score out of 10. Let's give it a 5
A kit brewer wants to know how to get a 7 or 8. Maybe a fresh wort kit? Good idea.
Brew fwk badly which makes it a **** FWK. Maybe it gets a 6 (if you're lucky). Is 1 point out of 10 worth the extra $20 the kit brewer spent? What do they then think of FWK or AG (which takes 3-6 hours depending on method as opposed to less than 1 for KK?).
It's reasonable to assume in that scenario that the brewer getting an average of 5 for his kits would know that his FWK was fermenting incorrectly, given that the FWK was brewed to the same environmental conditions as the K&K, there is no way the FWK would come out the same as or 1 point higher than a K&K. of course a pre-infected FWK is a slim variable, but one that would in no doubt be obvious to the brewer.
So, if you are suggesting that the Brewer brewed his K&K at 18c but brewed his FWK at 27c, then it should be obvious to the brewer what the variable of the bad brew was.
Now before you start mashed the reply button:
To tie this into the OP who's thread is titled "All taste the same", it would indicate that this scenario of variation is not evident.
2 things; either he's brewing consistently hot, or he's brewing with **** ingredients.
I suspect both. Now you can pat him on the head and say; "brew your **** beer cooler", or you can say use better ingredients, get your process down, and then move on.
So you can harp on about him cooking it a little hot being the cause, but I say **** ingredients = **** beer.
Extract fits that description.
My good AG brews are better than my **** kit, extract and partial brews but my good kit, extract and partial brews were better than my **** AG brews. I've tasted some kit beers that I would be hard pressed to know how they were made and some AG brews I've tipped down the sink. You can't make that **** irrelevant because it isn't irrelevant to anyone vaguely interested in home brewing.
yep, I'll agree, an AG with DMS up to its eyeballs is not as good as a manicured Extract brew.
But you can put all the effort into babying an all Extract brew and it'll come out ok while you can put a half arsed into an AG, and it will come out better than your pampered Extract.
We could argue in circles all night -it's obvious that you are so attached to your opinion that you have no inclination to even acknowledge if someone else makes a valid point, even if you have a counter point. He who shouts loudest isn't always right, just louder.
Be loud. See who listens.
Its text Manticle, you can't hear it.....or can you?
If you thought Extract brewing was the ducks guts, you would be doing it.
but you don't, because it's not.
Just because you don't want to tell a K&K brewer that his ingredients are inferior and make him feel warm and fuzzy about his twangy extract brew, it doesn't mean his beer is any good.
Process is process, no matter what the ingredients are.
A great process with **** ingredients will amount to a well processed **** product
A great process with great ingredients will amount to a great product.
it's not rocket science mate, it's just beer.