All Purpose Speedie Thread

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Professional Drunken Yahoo!
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was good to see him on-line last night, needed a good laugh!

Seriously though......... :icon_vomit:
Please post your dribble here when you log-on and leave the other threads alone.........
Tut tut.
I was born in Yorkshire and my old granny was a fountain of all the old Yorkshire sayings, e.g.

There's nowt so queer as folks
All t'world seems queer save thee and me, and soomtimes even thee's a little queer
Excitement always ends in tears
Wheere thers muck, thers brass

etc etc

However in this case the appropriate saying would be:

"Don't mock th' afflicted"

Certainly an odd one that speedie, didn't he post something of relevance the other day? :blink: I'm still tryin' to figure out if one of you blokes/gals are takin' the piss or not. Always fun though on a friday night, spewin' I missed it.