Alderwood Wood Smoker Chips In Australia?

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Hi there,

I was lucky enough a little while back for a mate to come back from Japan with a bottle of Alaskan Smoked Porter from the Alaskan Brewing Co for us to share. As ratebeer suggested it absolutely blew me away.

Since its impossible to find here I would like at some stage to try smoking my own malt to brew a reasonable facsimile. Apparently they smoke their malt using Alderwood chips in much the same way as they smoke their salmon over there in Alaska.

Will I have to buy from the States or has anyone here in Australia tried to get Alderwood chips before and know of anywhere here that I can get them? I've had a look around and all I can find are BBQ's Galore who have 3 types of woodchips but no alderwood.


I think you'll find it will be easiest to pick some up off ebay. The only sources for smokewood in Australia that I am aware of are the prepackaged BBQ's Galore range of shavings/chips, or the Weber Firespice (Hickory) chips and chunks.

American BBQ (smoking) is not very popular over here. I'm considering ordering a bunch of mixed chunks from the US, but still can't decide whether its worth the cost as I seem to get decent results with Hickory alone.
I think you'll find it will be easiest to pick some up off ebay. The only sources for smokewood in Australia that I am aware of are the prepackaged BBQ's Galore range of shavings/chips, or the Weber Firespice (Hickory) chips and chunks.

American BBQ (smoking) is not very popular over here. I'm considering ordering a bunch of mixed chunks from the US, but still can't decide whether its worth the cost as I seem to get decent results with Hickory alone.

Thanks Kook. Dunno why I didn't think of Ebay, I buy enough stuff from there as it is :D

Check with AQIS whether you can actually bring wood in people...
Yep, I thought about that too. Will do.


Hi there,

I was lucky enough a little while back for a mate to come back from Japan with a bottle of Alaskan Smoked Porter from the Alaskan Brewing Co for us to share. As ratebeer suggested it absolutely blew me away.

Since its impossible to find here I would like at some stage to try smoking my own malt to brew a reasonable facsimile. Apparently they smoke their malt using Alderwood chips in much the same way as they smoke their salmon over there in Alaska.

Will I have to buy from the States or has anyone here in Australia tried to get Alderwood chips before and know of anywhere here that I can get them? I've had a look around and all I can find are BBQ's Galore who have 3 types of woodchips but no alderwood.


G'day Jez,

I believe that the Jagged Reef restaurant in Newcastle will be sourcing some Alaskan Smoked Porter, as well as a number of other uncommon American brews. Not sure of many more details, but all I know is that "I'm Excited"!
We (HAG Brewers) will be attending the restaurant for a feed soon. Hope they have the beer available then.

I believe that the Jagged Reef restaurant in Newcastle will be sourcing some Alaskan Smoked Porter, as well as a number of other uncommon American brews. Not sure of many more details, but all I know is that "I'm Excited"!
We (HAG Brewers) will be attending the restaurant for a feed soon. Hope they have the beer available then.

Dude, I hope they can get the Alaskan. You won't be disappointed. It was just :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:

Absolute YUM.

As a sidenote another mate went home to San Diego & returned recently with a bottle of Stone Ruination & their 2008 Old Guardian Barley Wine. Both were stunning with the Ruination being particularly awesome.

If I could find somewhere here in Oz to purchase and drink these beers & their beautiful cousins on a regular basis I would be in heaven. They've certainly inspired my brewing.

American BBQ (smoking) is not very popular over here. I'm considering ordering a bunch of mixed chunks from the US, but still can't decide whether its worth the cost as I seem to get decent results with Hickory alone.

Probably not a lot of chance it will improve before I head back in 2010, I may have to bring a stack back in my sea container :) May have to order some from this place soon as you can only get a few of the popular ones in chunk at the stores I have been to so far.

Not sure I will try smoking malt, to much other stuff to try :p
Not sure I will try smoking malt, to much other stuff to try :p

True, I'm happy with the beechwood smoked malt from Weyermann.

I'm smoking (with Hickory) a pork butt (shoulder) this weekend. They're supposed to take around 9-12 hrs to cook!