Oh Dear..
zxhoon not zxphoon lol
I assume ZX refers to the Bike you ride?... sorry, sometimes I have a beer or 2 and my focus aint so good like...
zxphoon is way more rad anyway - I will get the mods to fix that up for you!
zxhoon not zxphoon lol
Cant believe I almost missed this
1 x Medium T-Shirt - Black
1 x Medium T-Shirt - Bottle Green
I didn't realise we had larger sizes. Could you change my 3 items to 4xl please?
If this is you showing interest than we have had that much interest in it! I wouldn't mine one either but with a set up of $50 for the screen to get any less than say 30 or so done, its just too expensive.
With the 'Simple Really' already set up from last time makes it easy and cheaper...
Anyone else? I can get a price if you want?
Interest here for sure B)