Hey Cocko,
What's the chances a pick up/meet in the northern suburbs, saves on postage and that way we can stock up your beer supplies!!
Cheers BDB
Melbourne people are welcome to pick up from me at work, Mon-Fri, 8.30am - 4pm, Northcote. Post here if you want to pick up and I will PM you the details.
OK Brewers here are the instructions. Make sure you read carefully, the last thing we want is an infection in this brew.
1. Check your order as per Cocko's posted list. Any issues post straight away. Both Cocko and Pok have a list of the orders but its best we both have exact orders. So both Cocko and Pok can check their spreadsheets please post ALL issues in this order thread so it all stays together.
2. Pay your $$ into the bank account and send a copy of your deposit receipt (and other info, read on) to
[email protected]
BSB:06 2805
Account Number: 1029 2145
Name: Brett Woodward
3. Send an email to Pok at
[email protected] with the subject as your AHB name (e.g Cocko, Pokolbinguy) with the following:
- Total order - this is a triple check
- Postal Address for your items
- Attach receipt of your deposit
We will then:
- Pay the printer and orders will be made
- Cocko will post the items out once all made
- Pok will donate $1 per garment (as collected from each order) to AHB
- We all wait for our gear
- Cocko and Pok drink a shed load of beer and wonder how long it will be before the next merch order....