AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

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wide eyed and legless said:
Not going to be good for your health neal32, drinking all that beer.
I'm willing to give it a nudge in the name of science. The studies out there are pretty inconclusive. I just want to show that beer can be incorporated daily into a healthy lifestyle, as opposed to the dogma that beer causes a beer gut/man ****s.

I would suspect a pint would be a starter for the night for many here, including myself up to not long ago.
mofox1 said:
I'm hoping a pint (or two) a night isn't considered excessive... :unsure:
Isn't a pint a day supposed to be better for you than total abstinence?
A pint a day is pretty much equal to wthat seems to be the normal daily moderate consumption guidelines

Australia: is 1 or 2 standard drinks a day with a 425ml glass of 4.8% ABV beer being 1.6 standard drinks - http://www.alcohol.gov.au/internet/alcohol/publishing.nsf/Content/36E6FEE732C8DF1BCA25767200769CD8/$File/adult.pdf

UK: is 3-4 units of alcohol a day for a man (pint of 4% ABV beer is 2.3 units) - http://www.nhs.uk/change4life/pages/alcohol-lower-risk-guidelines-units.aspx

In 'Beer: Tap into the Art and Science of Brewing', Bamforth states that the WHO suggests a maximum of 60g of alcohol per day (or 1.5L of 5% ABV beer); but i've never been able to locate the actual WHO document so have no idea if that actually has any merit or not.
I don't need it to be proved to me how fattening beer is, I had bladder cancer supposedly caused by drink, I stopped drinking and dropped 15 kg in about 6 weeks. I was drinking 4 to 6 pints a night though wouldn't hardly drink half of that now.
Just did a rough calc - a 90kg man would have to run (not jog) for 1hr15mins to burn off 5 pints. Doesn't sound like much until you try to actually run for that long (particularly after 5 pints) hehe.
malt & barley blues said:
I don't need it to be proved to me how fattening beer is, I had bladder cancer supposedly caused by drink, I stopped drinking and dropped 15 kg in about 6 weeks. I was drinking 4 to 6 pints a night though wouldn't hardly drink half of that now.
Wake up call. You got fat from excess calories, not beer. The cancer may have been caused by excessive alcohol consumption, not beer. You stopped consuming 1000-1500 calories a day. All things equal you would lose 1-1.5kg a week, the rest would've been water weight.

Given the feedback it's not worth my time, people have made the decision to drink more daily then I think is normal. Not being judgemental, a human should have total freedom to live their own life how they choose as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. But incorporating 4-6 pints a day is never going to be healthy for mind or body. To put it in perspective that's like 5-6 chocolate bars or several cans of coke a day! If you don't blink at that however, you should change your eating habits because that's the fast track to a ******, short life. :unsure:
Same as having 3-4 four'n'twenty pies on top of your regular meals.
Man I could go a breakky pie right now.
Beer contains alcohol, alcohol is a grade 1 carcinogen, whatever we do in life has an element of risk, lots of people drink far more than is recommended by the dept of health,many people enjoy beer and drink more than is healthy for them, stronger beer is obviously less healthy than a beer of say 4% beer but we would tend to drink more of the 4% so it would probably equal out to what we would manage to drink of the stronger beer.
As with food intake, scientists have found the least amount of food we eat, mainly vegetarian, we could also enjoy a long life, the choice then is how long a life does one want to have, most would opt for the shorter life but no way ******.
My stein is only 500ml. So even though I have four /night I never have quite a pint. Its friday so solid food is back on the table. BBQ pork belly MMMMmm.........yum.

earle said:
78.3kg today, lost just over 18kg since October. Having better serving sizes and more exercise, cut out the desserts, 2 AFD, 2 days with limited beers and enjoy whatever beer I want on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You've still got to enjoy life
72.5kg today, down from 96.5 last October. Thanks for everyone's encouragement after my last post. I've been trying to maintain a steady weight since about 74kg but need to increase my intake a little more in order to stop losing.

I'm on the beer in itself doesn't make you fat side of the fence. I haven't really changed my beer drinking habits but have a healthier diet and have increased my physical activity.

Excessive intake of any food or drink, including beer, combined with insufficient physical activity will make you fat though.
earle said:
Excessive intake of any food or drink, including beer, combined with insufficient physical activity will make you fat though.
Well done on weight loss Earle, not always easy. Regarding the above statement some of us "oldies" refer it to "muscle rearrangement" rather than fat :D

Nailed it with your last sentence earle, I have been running 7k every morning, after a light breakfast watch the news then off to the gym, my home stretch on the run is 850 meters all up hill, it was only this week that I dare look to the top and did it without breaking pace.
Looking and feeling 100% though all is not well, waiting to hear if I am on the immunotherapy trials which have been in the news just lately.
Was never worried about my weight until recently. I've been the same weight (and height) since i was 14, now 42, so everything was "situation normal". I've taken up snoring in the last 6 months though. So at the bequest of my very tired and cranky wife, I took myself of to the doctors. He reckoned I should weigh 97 kg. I'm down to 107 kg from 110 kg,but that has taken 6 months to do. I thought losing 13 kg would be a piece of piss, but changing the habits of a lifetime is not as easy as i thought. While I've stopped eating 2 family size pizzas in a sitting, i find myself slipping back into my old ways from time to time. Reading other comments on this thread has inspired me to get serious about weight loss again. So thank you all, and i wish you well in achieving your weight loss goals.

Cut down on the ale a bit and exercise each day it will soon drop off, not a pizza fan myself so can't comment on what it's like to cut down on that. Good luck mate.
How is everyone going at the moment, love to hear how welly went in the losing weight comp, can't imagine a Yorkshire man losing to much especially if they are getting into the making of their own Pork Pies. :) The Leeds butcher in Dandenong is now making Pork Pies incorporating Black Pudding. :icon_drool2:

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