1. Gulpa - Sausages or other meaty substance - probably a salad as well
2. barls- some nibbles and other crap possibly something smoked but will have to see.
3. pete- assorted cheesy scrolls
4. Gruntus - Chicken bits and non-homemade salad
Do we have any ideas of numbers?
Could you PM me your address Andrew.
I didn't get around to making a Belgian - but I did put down an IIPA which I bottled on the weekend
Is it ok to submit this in the Belgian category?
I might be able to swing by at some point on Saturday. Won't be for long, but i'll try my's been a while since i've caught up with alot of the folks down there!So far I have heard from Fatz, Josh (not sure if he can stay), Muggus (not coming but beer is here), Grantw (not coming), Barls, Nifty, Gruntus, Cortez, Petesbrew.
I havent heard from Thommo, DiscoStu, Smiley, Mrs eyres, Stuster, Boris. I will send a PM to see what these guys are doing.
Howdy Guys,
I'm thinking that I might have to scratch my Big Arsed ******'s been in the bottle for 8 weeks and has no carb at all :blink: .
I can replace it with my Belgian (I have plenty of extras).
What do you guys reckon?
ok can someone confirm for me the numbers required for each case as im looking and it doesnt look right.
12 people in the belgian case
14 people in the big arsed case
and only 8 in the sours/ funky
is this right as i put away enough barley wine for 12 people and its now 14. im terribly sorry but there just isnt anymore its all be accounted for in comps and my drinking. can i sub 2 bottles of ether a cyser or something similar???? grand cru anyone?