I have the manifold, the sparge arm, and the vorlauf fitting.
The manifold is still in plastic. If it floated it would work for me, but not sitting on the bed.
The sparge arm I used 3 times before deciding it wasn't worth the extra cleaning. Because flow rate was so low, I found it just dribbled during sparge anyway, got clogged easily so couldn't be used for vorlauf, and sat too high above most grain beds thus caused channelling. Its still attached to the vessel, so I might try it again.
The vorlauf fitting basically lives in place and gets used for everything except when I swap it to a spray ball, and TBH it kind of works for that anyway. Its not perfect for sparge, but it's not much worse than the others.
I wouldn't worry about the extras just yet. they're nice to haves, but far from essential. A simple silicone hose with or without holes punched through it is fine. just lay it atop the bed.
Also please make sure you got my late added info above about vessel implosion. Its seriously a thing.