AG! Worth it or not?

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I'm still on whatever the cheapest kegland/king one is. It came to me well used. I made a larger hopper for it, which made it much more usable. The mill works fine except the times that it doesn't. Hasn't got stuck in the last 50kg though. Gap setting has not changed in 4 years, and my utilisation efficiency is about 95%, and im not having trouble with stuck mashes. Seems fine to me. Nothing about this is best practice.

If I was going to upgrade, I'd be looking for automation, but for the price of a spike I could employ a child from down the street, and pay for ubers to and from their house.

I can't get excited about a mill. Maybe I should buy a set of grist seives to show me how bad my grind is.
Question answered. Thank you once again. I'll order one tomorrow.
So now a grain mill! MashMaster fluted ($400) or MaltMuncher knurled 2 Roller ($86) or 3 Roller ($162)? I know which is the better machine, but the question is, does the 2-roller knurled unit do the job? Because you can buy nearly 5 of them or 2 of the 3-roller model for near the price of 1 fluted roller unit.

I know where I can possibly get a Mashmaster for $250 not far from home, maybe less if I haggle, but it still raises the same question. Plus, I don't know how much use it's had or if it's been looked after. Does it matter?

How many of you are using the $86 item? Does it do the job?
I have had a cheapy 2 roller for years and it works fine, but I did upgrade from a drill to a nice motor drive kit from KegKing, never looked back, it is worth the $ for that mill motor kit, eveything in it you need and you'll never have rpm trouble again, just make up a base plate and a bit of simple wiring and good to go. Also good idea to use "malt conditioning" method, then you don't need to use rice hulls etc.
I've found something that will do the job more than adequately (I think). A little bit more than I'd hoped to pay but it is, once again, better than I thought I'd ever own (I think). Picking up on Thursday after my regular appointment at the Skin Cancer Clinic.

Does anybody have experience with the diamond wheel Maltzilla? I've watched a few Youtube videos on it and it look like it will do the job for me.
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