Supercoach comp for 2012 has been opened and it's time to think about putting our teams together. As previous years, we'll be playing for beer. When we hit the finals for supercoach the top eight and bottom eight are split in to two finals, major and minor, this year there are 18 spots, so the bottom two wont make finals at all. Both of the winners will receive beers, but the winner of the top eight will get more than the winner of the bottom eight. I think last year we had the bottom 4 send beers to the winner of the minor finals, and the rest send to the winner of the major finals. Seeing as though there are two extra spots this year, should we make it so the dead last sends to winner of the minor's and second last to the winner of the major's? Seems like a good idea to me. So 5 beers to the minor winner, and 13 to the major winner, yes, the winner of the minors will send the winner of the majors a beer. plus what ever you want to wager on between yourselves during the year. If you don't have and beer to send come the time, send a decent commercial beer, no VB!
Ok, the code is 515057