Fourstars Spartans
Uncle ChopChop
Since I don't know who you are (OK I did guess Fourstar) if you blokes like to send me a pm I'll reply with the address.
Cheers Sam, I didn't know that was there.From an earlier post in case they don't check this thread...
1. Pennywise - Uncle ChopChop
2. DrSmurto - The Drunks
3. Kleiny - IntoxiCATed
4. Kirem - Helter Skelter (the reigning prems)
5. Raven - Ravenous Ravens
6. Jayse - Sonic Brew
7. Husky - Husky
8. LagerBomb - Dags_Delinquents
9. RobW - InandUnders
10. Fourstar - Fourstars Spartans
11. Fatgodzilla - Zillas Killas
12. Spiesy - Roar Power
13. Mattfos01 - Alexandria Axemen
14.Big78sam - Dangerfield!!!
15.Beachy - Bierhaus Cats
16.Kevman - Kevmans Catters
17.Spacecapsule - Spacecapsule
18. bigandhairy - bigandhairy
Congrats dr smurto, well played. A bottle of my finest will be on its way
Let the count down for next season begin.
what happened to me?