Adding honey to a fresh wort kit

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Hi everyone,
I have been using fresh wort kits and having success with them. Some friends of ours have their own bee hives and have given us honey to use in some brewing. I was thinking about doing a honey porter using a porter fresh wort kit. Does anyone have any suggestions how or what to do? Or how much honey to use for a 20l batch
Providing the bees haven't harvested from eucalypts otherwise your beer will taste terrible.
I understand you have to pasturise first, 80 degree for 5 minutes? You can add to initial brew or add after 3 days (brew temp.), this will enhance the honey flavour a bit more or add to bottle conditioning...I have not had too much success with adding to wort, but I used 250 ml, I think you might have to add a bit more..cheers
The honey flavour in your beer will in a big part be determined by the strength of the honey in its taste. For example I've found 250ml of Bush Mallee Honey right on for a pleasant honey after taste in the beer but a leatherwood honey at 250ml is just so overpowering.
Hope that helps to some degree.
Don't pasteurise. You have seriously little risk of infection as honey itself will effectively keep forever without fermenting - thanks to some magic the bees perform on it.

I've also heard different stories about eucalyptus honey - some brewers say you should avoid it; others say some eucalyptus honeys can be fine for brewing with.

In beer the main effect of adding honey is usually to dry the beer out - honey is about 95% fermentable sugar (depending on what variety it is) and the yeast will chew right through it. If you add towards the end of the fermentation you'll get more of a honey taste and smell; if you add right at the start of fermentation or even during a boil you won't get much at all.
I did a Honey Red Ale, in which I added 250gm at FO. Very nice and noticeable honey taste, fermented US05 at 20c.

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