Adding Brew Enhancer to under gravity brew

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Hey guys, had a nightmare brewday yesterday and have ended up with 40L of wort at 1.026 OG... pretty keen to bump this up to at least 1.035 (it was meant to be a session ale of sorts).

the only thing I can get my hands on is the coopers brew enhancer. Is that going to be ok to add at this stage? Fermentation alre looks pretty active already and I have a decent krauson formed.

If I throw in a kg of this, is it going to be ok to simply stir it in?
Can be done, but you would be better off adding a liquid or syrup. I can't imagine stirring in a dry mix will be good for the beer.
If you Dissolve the brew enhancer into the lowest volume of water you can. I was just reading that you should carefully add the solution to the wort. Stirring shouldn't be necessary as the ongoing fermentation will be churning the wort anyway.
Yeah thanks mate. Have done a bit of reading myself now and have decided to maybe hold of a day or two until the initial fermentation is slowing a bit. Than yeah, desolve it into some water and poor that in. Might give the beer a dryer finish, but I don’t mind that on a ssssion ale anyway.
I prefer session ales too. I don't mind a big beer but it's great to enjoy more than 2 or 3 beers and not get tanked lol

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