A Story And A Few Questions

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I have a few questions that hopefully some of you might be able to help with .....

But first a little back story....

I have made up 2 Lagers (K+K) as follows (these recipes should be closeish but I am doing this from memory so who knows ?)

Beer A

Can of Dry Lager
1.2 Kg LDME
Saflager S-23
Dry Enzyme

15gms of Saaz Pellets boiled up with some LDME for 15 mins
15 gms of Hallertau @ 0 mins

Beer B

Can of Blonde Lager
1.2 Kg LDME
300 gms Carapils Steeped

15gms of Saaz Pellets boiled up with some LDME for 30 mins
15gms of Saaz @ 15
15 gms of Hallertau @ 0 mins

Both these beers spent 3 weeks in primary @ 9 - 10 c then rested @ 18-20 for 3 days before being racked into kegs and lagered @ 2c ...

At this stage everything is going as planned.... however at some stage in the following 2 months the kegs were pressurised, and there they have sat for over 2 years ! (during this time they may have frozen once for about 3 days)

So getting around to the question bit, I am unsure at what pressure they were originally carbed at but when the reg was stuck on them the other day Beer A was @ 19 PSI and Beer B @ 36 PSI ; Now as it may be completley clear I know SFA about kegging and forced carb could someone perhaps enligten me as to what effect those pressures would have had on the beers ?

Also is there any chance this beer is any good ?? Yes I realise the simple answer is to taste it, which I did however it was a bit difficult to judge as they foamed like hell as we didnt have enough beer line etc (those questions I will hold off for another post).

Beer A seemed very tastelss even for a dry larger (made an asahi look malty and full bodied), Beer B also seemed to suffer a very similar fate but just not to quite as extreme degree, it almost seemed fairly drinkable, if you can make such a judgement on beer flavoured cordial.

We also had a PET bottle of Beer B, but it seemed to be oxidised as all hell, not so much the cardboardy type but that more toffee caramel type of oxidisation that you can get, well at least thats what it seemed like to my fairly infantile pallet.

Apologies for the novel but looking forward to getting back into brewing, just need to decide what to do with these two kegs first.
Drink beer for the taste, if you arent enjoying it tip it out.
As above,life is too short to drink beer that is not great.

Have already wasted half a life time paying decadent prices for inferior crap.

Never AGAIN.Don't care if I spent 6 hours making it,if I don't like it down the drain.
Granted, if once I have it pouring properly if it tastes like rubbish I will bin it. However I guess the real question is more would the age and conditions under which the beer was kept be the reason for the lack of body / malt / flavour or is it just that I made a fairly ordinary K+K beer ?

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