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You're right. But most of the bases have already been covered. It's still the impetus for what this has become, and why deny a bunch of member's talking good hunoured crap if it goes off-topic?
Fair call. Continue. Please! Oh wait, I see it that has!

Past my bedtime though...
Yes I was talking about the UK as an island, although I was born in England my dad was born in Ireland, most Brits have a bit of Scot, Irish or Welsh in them, I like to think a few a local differences make the place more interesting.
Brew dog are getting a reputation for maverick beers, yet to try any myself but looking to go to Scotland next holiday so hope to try it then.
As for that silly girl, I think anyone who drinks that amount of beer as awful as Brit brewed Carlsberg deserves an ABSO. Kids like her give the anti drink mafia something to moan about.
The legal drinking age is 18. so legally she can brew beer but not drink it.
Maybe, maybe not. The Hawaiians still have theirs.

That's interesting James for the 50th State of America to be sporting the Union Jack. It brings up the argument if we become a republic should our celtic roots be represented on the Australian flag. I suppose many would say why not.
Then of course it also brings up the hairy question of how do we represent our indigenous Australians on our national republican flag. Interesting subject off topic, I suppose it should be moved.

That's interesting James for the 50th State of America to be sporting the Union Jack. It brings up the argument if we become a republic should our celtic roots be represented on the Australian flag. I suppose many would say why not.
Then of course it also brings up the hairy question of how do we represent our indigenous Australians on our national republican flag. Interesting subject off topic, I suppose it should be moved.


Going way off-topic now, but: Flags are really just a bit of symbolism. What we should be more concerned about is the principles and beliefs that the formation of an Australian Repulic would enshire. If the flag must be changed, change it to something that represents our agreed values in the new Republic.

Personally, I dont think that we should be giving any race any preference in the symbolism any new flag, either the anglo-celts or the Aboriginies. We are all Australians, and it is ultimately counter-productive to institutionalise differences based on skin colour. Really, in 500 years is Aboriginality and race relations still going to be an issue? I hope not.

Mind you, if 'I were King', we'd have some fairly sweeping constitutional reforms.
Nah that doesn't look right.

To represent my heritage, I would like to see the cresent moon & star within the yellow circle, intersected by a poppy head. That would look cool.

in 500 years is Aboriginality and race relations still going to be an issue? I hope not.

That's a very good point James. It's doubtful. In fact, in 500 years, even caucasian australians will be a thing of the past, and this nation will be another Asian metropolis like Hong Kong or Singapore, and made up of about 60% Chinese, 30% Indian & 10% Middle Easterns. The white fellah will simply fade away as quickly as he came.
Please don't make a quotation containing a statement i did not make, Scruffy.

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