A few questions before my first AG brew attempt

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FFS I give up, please go and read the intro to why we boil a wort (Post #2 in this thread).
One of the main reasons is to get rid of high MW protein (leave it in the kettle) not to dump it into the fermenter where it (or some if it) will go back into solution.

I wasn't accusing you of being malicious, its just regarded as bad forum edicate.
You did in fact remove most of what I was replying to
FFS I give up, please go and read the intro to why we boil a wort (Post #2 in this thread).
One of the main reasons is to get rid of high MW protein (leave it in the kettle) not to dump it into the fermenter where it (or some if it) will go back into solution

I know it is a "best practice" but with sometimes that's easier said than done!

As you dump the kettle into the fermenter everydthing is mixed, but it settles out or decants again pretty fast. Once the proteins are coagulated they don't dissolve again, do they?
The important part is to rack to secondary just when primary fermentation is over. Yeast will be busy eating all that sugar and won't even look at the crap from the bottom until it finishes with the goodies.

Well, that's the theory at least. I don't make lagers but I've done some Belgians and never had a problem so far.

Anyway, always willing to improve and learn here... I'll buy an auto syphon and try whirlpooling and I hooe you don't have to swear in acronyms and give up on me.

I would recommend you not go back and rewrite earlier posts, there was a lot of trouble around here a couple of years ago with people doing that, often quite maliciously.
Sure go back and fix spelling... add a note, whatever, but rewriting history is frowned on especially by older (long term) members.

Mark does know his ****... No really respect the guy especially his opinion and advice. Shoots straight less of the bullshyte... That's why I love the above comment... CLASSIC.

Welcome to the Apocalypse BITCHEZ

I came back to this post by chance and ...

I eventually bought the autosiphon for transferring the wort from the kettle to the fermenter leaving behind the turb. It didn't go so well...
This is what I did:
- I chilled using my immersion chiller and the pump in a big ice bucket
- Then I removed the chiller from the kettle, moved the kettle to the benchtop and did a vigorous whirlpool with the mash-paddle
- I waited 20' for everything to settle down
- Finally I used the autosiphon to transfer to the fermenter from the side of the kettle and about 10% above the bottom

The last 30% of the wort was turbid and I didn't see any difference between that and the 10% remaining.

What am I doing wrong?
In fact, I've done that 3 times already with the same result. I started to calculate more water to leave all that behind, but I can't stop thinking that's a lot of waste and I'm doing something very wrong here...