65 Lives Taken In The Fires

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Our thoughts go to the families and friends of those affected by the fires.
I am usually a detached fellow to these things but maybe age and realisation of grievous matters like bush fires have changed me.
I recall the the fires crossing the River and ripping through random homes in Janalli and surroundings.
I friend lost their entire home but no only few lives were lost.
This one is far more devastating.

As the death toll is likely to increase to near 3 figures I tip my hat for all the brave ones fighting the torrid flames and urge anyone in position to help, to do so.
Good night and God bless
Bushfire appeal via redcross.

Red Cross Donation Info

A mate lost a house on the edge of Yarra Glen (backing onto Kinglake region). He's ok thankfully. Hard to believe that there are reports that several of these were deliberately lit.

Very sorry to hear of the devastation and I sincerely hope that the individuals responsible for the deliberately set fires are caught. This isn't just a sad day for Australia; the thoughts of many around the world are with you.
There have been a lot of threads about the money that the govt was gonna doll out as part of the stimulus package. Surely $100 from that from most families around Australia to the red cross or the salvos would be money well spent.

At least if the money was re-directed from the general population to the fire victims, it would be guaranteed to be spent on goods, thus stimulating the economy as desired and not pissed against the wall or fed into a pokie like last time.

THIS is what budget surpluses are for.........

The morning count is now up to 108, and expecting to find more people in the ash.
Been on the news here in England. It`s such a sad thing our thoughts are with you guys
My thoughts and condolences go out to all that is involved. Its a sad sad day

Times like these brings out the trues aussie spirit in us lets all give what we can to help
In some ways a lot of the reality was brought home last night on the late news on 9... Watching Peter Hitchener and Tony Jones have to talk about Brian Naylor and his wife must have been one of the hardest things they've done.

Brian always seemed like the consummate gentleman and professional. He'll be sadly missed. After having recently lost his son in an air accident it seems even more tragic.

Warren -
Glad to read that any caught that had to do with these fires are going to be charged with murder or manslaughter - only thing is then they have to prove it. How can people think it is fun to play with such a potential devastating hazard.

Dunno about this time 'round, but in the past the busted arsonists are occasionaly volunteer firefighers themselves - they light the fires, magically arrive first on the scene, and think this will make them a hero. XXXX sicko's. And it goes without saying that this XXXXX element of the vounteers is probably 1/10,000.

Despite this, the volunteers do such a great job, they have balls of steel, and a true courage that is not often found in this watered-down society. Thoughts should also go out to the support teams for the guys fighting the blaze, the ones working round the clock coordinating, preparing food, manning the phones etc. Let's just hope Rudd's big wallet extends to the people who are going to desperatly NEED some financial support in the coming weeks, as the damage bill to uninsured property starts being tallied.

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Despite this, the volunteers do such a great job, they have balls of steel, and a true courage that is not often found in this watered-down society. Thoughts should also go out to the support teams for the guys fighting the blaze, the ones working round the clock coordinating, preparing food, manning the phones etc. Let's just hope Rudd's big wallet extends to the people who are going to desperatly NEED some financial support in the coming weeks, as the damage bill to uninsured property starts being tallied.

Keep in mind many of the CFA Volunteers who fought the fires lost their own homes etc but continued to go above and beyond. Growing up in kilmore I still can't believe what has happened. Our thoughts are with those who have lost it all.
this is just relly messed up. ive never seen so much devastation and i never hope i will again.

still havnt heard from Dave (greensborough HBS) he's had to of been right in the thick of things.
This is just unbelievably shocking!! My sister in-law just confirmed that her Kinglake property is nothing but ash but fortunately they were not staying there at the time.
fentsy and others , just spoke to rook , he is still doin ok where he is but on high alert at present ..

i just had to turn the TV off its starting to get to me big time ...

anyway put ya money,food,clothes , blood whatever where your mouth is and do the aussie thing and help out a mate in need , what about an AHB drink up for the fireys when its all done and dusted , im sure theres a full keg or ten out there that would go a long way for these guys risking their lives to save homes and people in danger . . . . lets also not forget one of our own members who is a firey in the thick of it up in bendigo, Klieny ... has anyone heard from him at all , no doubt he is a touch busy at present ...
Dunno about this time 'round, but in the past the busted arsonists are occasionaly volunteer firefighers themselves - they light the fires, magically arrive first on the scene, and think this will make them a hero. xxxxx sicko's. And it goes without saying that this xxxxx element of the vounteers is probably 1/10,000.

Agree. Sadly it's the tiny percentage of idiots :angry: (like this twit Link) that are actually sabotaging the good that the Volunteer Firefighters/CFA do. They reckon that the fires in the Churchill area that were under control were re-lit in another area. They're also investigating the Kinglake fires (scene of the worst casualties) for evidence of being deliberately lit.

Agree. Sadly it's the tiny percentage of idiots :angry: (like this twit Link) that are actually sabotaging the good that the Volunteer Firefighters/CFA do. They reckon that the fires in the Churchill area that were under control were re-lit in another area. They're also investigating the Kinglake fires (scene of the worst casualties) for evidence of being deliberately lit.


Shame about his name. I didnt think a brewer would be involved in this sort of crap.
Could KRudd be convinced to gear a large proportion of his next stimulus package towards those affected? I'd be happy to receive less/none if I knew it was getting those people back on their feet.
this is just relly messed up. ive never seen so much devastation and i never hope i will again.

still havnt heard from Dave (greensborough HBS) he's had to of been right in the thick of things.

Fents, I know that Dave was planning on leaving for holiday tomorrow for a week or so with his fam, so the shop may not be open today if you are trying to get hold of him there......I too hope he is OK.

I have no words to express what should happen to those who deliberately set about to inflict this sort of damage through arson.... they don't even deserve to be burnt at the stake.

I for one would be up for a big AHB drink for the fireys and volunteers after this mess has calmed down a bit...

Could KRudd be convinced to gear a large proportion of his next stimulus package towards those affected? I'd be happy to receive less/none if I knew it was getting those people back on their feet.

I think everyone would be a lot happier if Mr Rudd had a good rethink of where those cash giveaways should be directed in the light of this tragedy.
One problem seems to be that whenever an arsonist is caught, they are charged, the police do their best but some gutless magistrate or judge gives them a tap on the wrist. I wonder when we will see a lynching, that might send a message to these idiots (arsonists and senile judges)

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