3787 Starter Sulfur

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Planning on doing a belgian this weekend so i smacked a wyeast3787 and it took about three days to inflate which was a worry, anyhoo made a 2 L starter anyway and whacked it on the stir plate. My plan was seeing as though viability seemed a bit down make a 2L starter and let finish then make another 2L starter which should get me somewhere close to a pitching rate for said beer.

On smelling the starter wort rotten eggs big time sulfur city, never had this before with this yeast but the wort tasted belgiany and clean (well as clean as a belgian yeast should taste ).

My question is , should i (a) continue with my step propagation and hope for the best or (B) its a lost cause, tip it and plan something else.

I dont think 3787 is known for producing sulfur , but now the yeast count is higher will the next starter wort and on continuation the final beer be egg city or belgiany warming bliss.

Thoughts ?
A couple of key indicators in your info Bulp. Three days for a smackpak to swell means low viability, and strong sulphur odor means the yeast is stressed. I doubt that what you now have will be a good pitch of yeast. I would get a fresh pack.
I'd personally use it after some over the top yeast culturing and checking that things improve on the next step, but a fresh pack would work too.
Thanks for the reply's, i'm not confident it'll be any good but i might throw some more starter wort at it out of curiosity, DME is cheap after all. Just love 3787 can't bring myself to drain it just yet.
Actually sulphur isn't a sign of stressed yeast - its a normal byproduct and can be more or less depending on the wort and the yeast strain.

I'd trust your instincts on the taste of the starter beer; particularly since I know this yeast and saying it's strange would be an understatement (and super active), but it does make really great belgian beer

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