2013, What Will Be Your Theme/project/experiments?

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1. Get the keg setup completed (actually before the New Years party), Taps and font arrived today and the chest freezer should be here in a few hours, kegs are due tomorrow and some other bits a pices are due thursday.
2. Work on Improve consistency
3. Work on Improve efficiency
4. Build a better wort chiller
4. Choose a house beer or 2 (probably an American pale at this stage)
5. Enter a competition (preferable with the house beer)
6. Get another font and 3x taps as the freezer should fit 6 kegs easy.
7. I have a march pump i got a few years back and want to use it... I BIAB atm but was thinking of going 3v (I am thinking a 72L brew pot), I have changed over to electric this year and like it better than gas the only issue I have it the extra things in the pot that can get in the way and make it a little harder to clean but I use bulkheads/weldless fittings and they are not hard to remove for a good clean.
8. Formulate a good belgein recipe (if its sensible it could be house beer #2)
9. Hop plantation going
10. Enjoy as much beer as I can.

hmmm 10... Is the enough things for the year...
1. Finish putting together Matho's controller

2. Replace aluminium crab cooker with custom s/steel basket

3. Buy a grain mill & start buying grain in bulk

4. Improve my keg carbonation

5. Brew more beer
1. Either build a bar with font or put a collar on my chest freezer.

2. Fill a 200L barrel with Barleywine, then after I bottle most of that, turn it sour.

3. Get a few styles down pat. American Brown and Eisbock are two I would like to master.

4. Brew a stein beer.

Edit: Add 4.
hmmmm 2013... Can't wait for next year actually...for a few reasons.

1. My number 1 and biggest joy will be our Baby that is due on the 27th on Jan, just after my 30th! Can't wait to have a little brewing apprentice! Trials and tribulations a plenty I am sure...will be an awesome new experience!

2. Start to actually brew regularly and more frequently....too often have empty fermenters. So am going to start with one brew a month (this will be a good first step) and then potentially increase that once number 3 is sorted.

3. Increase my fermenting capabilities. Having Temp control is the best thing I have done. However since I can only fit one fermenter in the fridge, I am pretty limited in my brewing frequency. Only brewing Ales, but up to 3+ weeks in the fridge. Will get a new fridge (single door) that can fit two fermenters in and and try to do a few back to back brews to maximize output...

I can see that I will need to be brewing more actually and buying less with the new baby absorbing most of our funds!

Bring it on!
1. Try to nail the APA style by working through as many recipes as I can. Ultimately tweak and change until I build my 'own' recipe. Enter it in the NSWAHBC in 2013 for some feedback.

2. Refine my AIPA, mainly on the fermentation profile side of things to eliminate some diacetyl faults. Enter it in the NSWAHBC for more feedback.

3. Have another attempt at some lagers over winter. Looking to ferment lower (<10degC), use a different yeast (Bavarian or Bud lager instead of Danish) and actually lager the beer for a decent period of time, potentially in cubes.......

4. Brew a Belgian Dubbel as my 2013 Strong Winter Beer

5. Towards the end of 2013 build a portable keg setup out of an esky/cooler. Looking at a 2 x 9L with sodastream CO2

Stay single....

SWMBO sounds horrible

3 Years and counting

wish me luck
1. Finish new brew cave (then remove old shed, extend slab, etc) - refer attached progress pic, cladding/doors to go.


2. Learn and make some soft cheeses

3. House Reno's (do they ever friggin end?) and backyard works

4. and last but not least,.... brew, brew, brew!
I need a new chest freezer and a new fermenting/storage fridge
As both have almost **** themselves last week
Just struggling by for one more week
Will get new ones after Christmas
And a new/real brew stand
Ill be flat out brewing on my soon to be finished PID controlled, recirculating BIAB rig.

Automated step mashing here we come!
My plan in 2013 is to brew more than two beers in a row without a fu(king stuck sparge...

And to brew some Altbiers over winter as I havent brewed one before.
1. Finish new brew cave (then remove old shed, extend slab, etc) - refer attached progress pic, cladding/doors to go.

View attachment 59193

2. Learn and make some soft cheeses

3. House Reno's (do they ever friggin end?) and backyard works

4. and last but not least,.... brew, brew, brew!
A garage for your garage. That's so awesome.
I'm going to do something I've been avoiding and brew the same recipe at least once a month to help me understand beer better. Then I am going to drink it so that the beer can understand me better :D
1. Move to All-Grain
2. Enter a Comp
3. Joining a club might be cool.
I think i have just convinced myself to turn my biab into a 2v system next yr. And if i manage to get a house build a bitchin bar in it no point doing it till i own a house tho lol.
Decide on a few house brews and nail'em

Set the brew/man cave out properly

Build 3V stand properly

Drink and brew more if possible :kooi:
1. Have more than one keg on the go at once with different styles in each

2. Try to get to more brew club meetings (Wednesday nights is such a bitch)

3. Get into cheese making
1) I wanted it finished by the end of this year, but it looks like maybe by the start of next year to finish building my Herm-it rig.
2) Have a house Mild/Bitter on tap
3) Master a decent Kolsch (SWMBO favourite - she's downing Wahoo like there's no tomorrow)
4) as per 1; HERM-IT double batches
5) Get married
6) Get the old Metter's Stove cranking in the bar (come winter)

drop the get married part

Nothing good ever comes from that :D
Nail my pommy bitter, its getting real close.

May need the home grown goldings...also a first.

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